Friday, October 31, 2008

Roseanne is Friday's Fun Fearless Female

I could list a million and one reasons why Roseanne is Friday's Fun Fearless Female, but it would take too long. I don't agree with her on a lot and I think sometimes she acts in certain ways just to be controversial, but her show is one of the best things to have ever been on television. It holds up well and seems especially relevant in our current times. Here is a link to a story Entertainment Weekly did on the shows 20th anniversary earlier this month.
'Roseanne': Inside a TV classic
There are so many things to love about that show, but to me, nothing is better than the Halloween episodes.
They are so awesome! To me, there is nothing more comforting than a marathon of Roseanne Halloween episodes the night before and/or night of Halloween. They used to do it on Nick at Nite every year.
My freshmen year of college I roomed with my friend Rachel whose birthday is Halloween. She went home the day before her birthday and I was all alone on Halloween night. I had a test the next day so I was in my dorm room studying but kept getting distracted by television because they always show the awesome scary movies. Well I watched the Exorcist and got myself all freaked out. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I needed to study. I flipped through the channels, frantically looking for something to watch that would take my mind off of Linda Blair's crazy devil voice and rotating head. Finally, I found Roseanne and watched it and laughed for the rest of the night. I also didn't do too bad on the test.
Let's celebrate Roseanne, Friday's Fun Fearless Female!
In Twilight News
I'm having a hard time keeping up at this point. It's a good thing it's slowed down at my work or else there's no way I could keep up. Anyway, there are lots of super cute pics that have come out of Rob and Kristen and Catherine on the Red Carpet in Rome. Here are some of my faves:
For my money, I don't think it gets much cuter than this.
Rob seems to be adjusting to this new life in the spotlight. Kristen still seems a little overwhelmed by it. Look how happy he looks here? It makes me happy. I have a theory that Kristen is afraid to touch Rob or be too nice to him because she is secretly desperately in love with him and she can't bring herself to open that can of worms because she has a boyfriend. How could she not realize they are meant to be together? Kristen needs to ditch Michael Oregano or whatever his name is and get with Rob.
The other important development is that some people taped the preview of the movie that they were shown. Here it is:
(Be forewarned: There are spoilers!)
So I really liked a lot of it (but can't understand all of the dialogue). I got goosebumps at different points it was so good (OME the Lullaby scene). However, some of the tree stuff looked super cheesy. I'm hoping it looks better when you see it on the big screen, but I'm beginning to think that the lack of budget may result in some cheesy looking stunts. I hope this isn't the case and I'm really happy with what I have seen of the Ballet Studio Scene. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
So, I could post the videos from the Q&A Session, but I'll save you the trouble of watching through 20 minutes and give you the highlight. Rob was asked what it's like to live as a vampire. Here is his answer:
"The life of a vampire, basically, outside of the movie, consists of going to different cities around the world and everybody screams. It's really strange. Everybody knows you're a vampire and no one really cares. They just wanna scream and say that they love you. It's great. I'd recommend being a vampire to everybody."
In the immortal words of the great Charlene Frazier Stillfield, my heart is full.
In another interview done by the LA Times, when asked if he thinks he’ll ever become accustomed to that aspect of his new found celebrity, he simply replied, “No. It’s just a certain amount of acceptance, I guess. The only kind of strange thing is when you get photographed,” he continued. “When people come up to you, it’s completely understandable, but if someone’s secretly photographing you that’s kind of weird. I don’t think you’d ever get used to that. You can’t really live normally when that’s happening. But people coming up to you is always kind of nice. I don’t do anything during my day, so it’s someone to talk to.” Again, how adorable can someone be? So cute. He should never be lonely.
Another thing that amused me happened on one of the livejournals I frequent, RPattz Daily. They were discussing Rob's hygiene, or lack thereof as well as his recent admission that he doesn't have a home. Someone said:

"What on earth does that boy buy with the money he gets if he doesn't buy a home, bathroom products, hair products, and clothing????"

Somebody responded with "alcohol and other shiny things" but I'm betting that Rob has an extensive collection of Care Bears that he keeps in the back of his car. My guess is that he drives a Honda Civic. If he drives at all. I'd venture to guess that he has Tom Stu drive him around in his Honda Civic because he hasn't had time to get his American Driver's License. Anyway, while I will agree that he probably spends a good portion of his money on booze and cigarettes, I think the rest goes to Care Bears and Wu Tang CDs. Because that 's how RPattz rolls.

Everyone have a good Halloween!

Elle Bunny

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween: An excuse to let the freak out?

So, my stupid office decided to have our costume day today. Halloween is tomorrow. Don't ask me why, I don't make the rules. Anyway, in mere minutes, they will be judging each team's costumes. At my office, we are all split into teams organized by shift (we are a 24 hour call center) and have team supervisors. So recently, my team got a new T.S. And I guess he's okay. He's really young and kind of weird and he's one of those people who stares at you too much when you're talking and it makes me really uncomfortable. I'm constantly checking the tiny mirror I have at work to make sure I don't have food in my teeth or eye makeup running down my face.
Anywho, our fearless leader who shall remain nameless came up with the idea that our team should dress up as an interpretive chess set. Now, I've never played chess. It's one of those things I've happily managed to avoid like Spam, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Twinkies and the tragedy that was/is the high waisted jeans fad. But I'm sure you're asking yourself WTF a interpretive chess set is. Well, let me tell you. It's when you dress up like the title of the chess piece--for instance, my weirdo boss is a bishop. He dressed up like a bishop from the catholic church. A team member we will call Ethan is dressed up as a pawn shop owner, with his desk decorated like a pawn shop. And what did I, Elle Bunny come dressed as? They tell me their is a queen piece, so I came as Queen Elizabeth. But I'm not really dressed as Queen Elizabeth. That's just my name and I'm wearing a cheap tiara. And I bought some lace gloves and am wearing my houndstooth pea coat and my fake pearl earring and choker. I want to look classy after all. Anyway, I'm just not one of these people who go all out--at least not at work. I think maybe I'm afraid of appearing too enthusiastic. And I happen to notice that most of the people who go all out are in positions of power in my office. The question I ask myself is are these people just trying to set a good example for the underlings or are the freaks the one who get promoted? Does this mean I'm supposed to freak out as well in an attempt to make more money? I'm not sure I'm up to it. What is it about Halloween that makes us girls dress up like such skanks? We definitely let our freak flag fly. I dare you to find a cute store-bought costume for a grown woman that would ever be deemed socially acceptable outside the walls of a strip club on any other day of the year. In other news, Mr. Bunny and I early voted yesterday. It makes me feel all patriotic to vote and it took me very little time--if you live in Texas, you can early vote through tomorrow. Do it! It's so easy--much easier than it will be on Tuesday. And I don't want to get all preachy, but it is important to vote-I'm not telling you who I think you should vote for, just that I think you should vote because the president should be elected as a true reflection of the country and it's values. It is especially important as young people that we vote because it is our future (economic and otherwise) that is hanging in the balance.

And I know you were wondering,
Where's Rob?

Well, I'm glad you asked. He's in Rome with his soulmate Kristen Stewart and director Catherine Hardwicke. They are at the Rome International Film Festival discussing Twilight.

Kristen, is that Rob's infamous leather jacket that you're wearing? And BTW, your legs look absolutely fabulous! Poor Rob looks tired. He needs to take a break and sleep.

You can actually view the session with Rob, Kristen and Catherine [here!]
I wish I was there. Rome sounds fun. And I bet RPattz and KStew are eating yummy food while they are there. I hope the romantic city makes them fall hopelessly in love with each other.Have a great day!

And remember to let your freak flag fly this Halloween!

Elle Bunny

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

John McCain: Cabbage Patch Kid?

He always kind of reminded me of one. Cabbage Patch Kids are such a strange cultural phenomenon. Now they have created Cabbage Patch Kids in the likeness of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates.

Pretty funny, huh? I love Sarah's little glasses.

I also thoroughly enjoyed this Geico commercial:

Below is a video talking about the 25th anniversary celebration for Cabbage Patch Kids (watch closely-there is an appearance by Xavier Roberts of Cabbage Patch derriere fame!). It was held at the Toys 'R Us in Time Square (I've been there. Mr. Bunny and I rode the Ferris Wheel. But I was in the Jimmy Neutron car, not the Cabbage Patch Car).

Everyone in my generation has a Cabbage Patch Kid Story. I had several Cabbage Patch Kids, including a Cabbage Patch Crimp n' Curl which was hot property back in the day. It really should have been called the Cabbage Patch Crimp because the Curling Iron didn't work at all. The most ridiculous thing about the CPKs (as those in the know call them) is that when you adopted them, you got a birth certificate with their name on it. It was always something awful that didn't fit the CPK at all--i.e, a red head named Shenequa. A little baby doll with no hair named Gertrude. I would always change the CPK's name to something I liked more.

My friend Rachel told me that when she was younger she went to the Cabbage Patch Official Headquarters and they took them all on a tour of the facility. They went into a room and there were these people there dressed up like doctors, pulling CPK's out of a Cabbage Patch. When they pulled the baby out, someone on the tour would yell out the name and that would be what was found on the CPK's birth certificate. Well, no wonder the names were so bad. If I had gone on the tour, some kid in Provo, Utah would have ended up with a blond, blue-eyed CPK named Bonquita Aquavelvaneeta.

My favorite Cabbage Patch doll was a baby that looked something like this

except not at all because the baby was white and her clothes were purple. She would squeak when I pushed on her tummy. Anyway, I got her right after my hairdresser, Lee died. Lee was an old gay man who worked at the salon in JC Penneys that my mom took me and my sister to. We were always reeking havoc there. Throughout the years my sister and I both managed to have incidents that embarrassed my mom, including spraying water across the salon (that was moi) and sticking her hand in beeswax (that was my sister Meredith), so it was really nice of them to put up with us. Anyway, one day my mom called the salon to make an appointment for us to get our hair cut and the receptionist said "Lee's no longer with us." My mom asked her which hair salon he had moved to and then the lady said "No, Lee passed away." It really affected me as a child because Lee was the only one who ever cut my hair and he was one of the few people I knew who died. For some reason I always picture him looking like Colonel Sanders, but my mom and Meredith both assure me that this was not the case.

Anyway, I named my Cabbage Patch baby doll Lee in his honor. One time Meredith and I threw her and a Magic Nursery baby she had named Tess on the roof and my dad had to get a ladder and go up there and get them.

So that's my Cabbage Patch Kid story. What's yours?

In Twilight/Rob News,

to quote Sarah Palin, say it ain't so, Joe.

Rob Pattinson: Hair Today, but Gone Tomorrow?

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson says he wants to get rid of his signature hairstyle.
“I cannot wait to cut it off,” Pattinson said last night at the Starz after party for the Hollywood Film Festival Awards Gala at the Beverly Hilton, where he received the New Hollywood Award.
Pattinson insists he doesn't understand the big fuss over his ‘do. "Nothing’s ever baffled me as much as this,” he said, adding, “I wanted to get a haircut today, but they wouldn’t let me. They were like, ‘You can’t ruin our marketing!'"

This makes me feel bad for Rob. I hope he doesn't feel trapped. He would look adorable with or without the hair (although I prefer the hair).


Elle Bunny

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Writings on the Wall

I'm very superstitious. I wouldn't say I'm quite as superstitious as my mom and certainly not as bad as my grandmother (AKA Mammawie) but I'm superstitious. The problem is, I think about it too much. And as Stevie said, when you believe in things you don't understand, you suffer. I nearly run off the road trying to find a second black bird in the sky; then for the next twenty minutes I ponder whether I'm creating my own bad luck by becoming distracted by an old wives' tale or if it was because I didn't find that second black bird that I nearly got in an accident.
This is why I was never good at philosophy. I can't make a decision to save my life--how can I make a decision about the meaning of it all? So while I would say I'm superstitious, I'm really just afraid of what might happen if I don't do these things--I'm not sure I actually believe in any of it. But why tempt fate?
So I think we all know at this point that saying you are superstitious is just a nice way to say you have a slight case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is just a certain type of OCD that is inherited. And I would say that the majority of my superstitions come from Mom and Mammawie. Here are the things that come to mind:
1) If the salt tips over I throw some of it over my left shoulder. One time my Mom told her father-in-law, my Pawpaw, that he needed to do this when the salt got knocked over at the table. He took the salt shaker and passed it over his left shoulder.
2) As I previously referred to, I count black birds in the skyone come sorrow, two come joy, three come letter, four come boy, five come silver, six come gold, seven comes secret that have never been told. One time a friend asked me what it meant if you had more than that. I told her it meant something was probably dead.
3) I never go under ladders, no breaking mirrors, etc. One time, I thought about breaking a mirror in an attempt to reverse the bad luck I had been having. But seven years is a long time and I couldn't make the commitment. I put the hammer away.
4) I will turn around and go a completely different way if I see a black cat. If one runs out in front of me and I have no control, I worry about it for the rest of the day. I used to laugh at my Mom for doing this, but when I do stuff like this now I realize that I'm becoming just like her.
5) I wish on hay. Whenever I see a bale of hay on the side of the road, I lick a finger, put it to my other hand, and then that hand comes down on the other which is in a closed fist. While I do this I make a wish. I tend to always wish for the same things.
6) I never pass a penny without picking it up. Now in my family we still pick it up even if it tails up--it is just an added bonus-really good luck-if you find a heads up penny. I tend to expand on this and if I find a nickel, dime or quarter, I believe that the good luck is increased exponentially.
Now, through the years, I have come across other people with their own superstitions. Without even knowing it, I will pick them up and they become part of my lifestyle. For instance, now I always kiss my hand and put it up to the roof of my car when I go through a yellow light. When I took tests in middle school, high school and college, I switched rings with my friends for good luck. On high school drill team, when we were going to and from football games we would always have to pass over a railroad track on the bus. We all put a finger on one of the screws that held the bus together. I never received an explanation of why and I never asked for one. Why tempt fate?
While these superstitions may seem silly to others, I think they make me unique and make life a little more interesting.
In Twilight News, it's Twilight Tuesday over at MTV and they have Question and Answer time with the stars again. Watch until the end to see Kristen and Rob.
Too funny. The idea of Rob the Rapper sent me into a fit of giggles this morning.
I know that this morning you found yourself wondering
Where's Rob?

Last night Rob received an award at the Hollywood Awards for his acting abilities. Here are some pics of him at the event.

He looks so handsome--and so grown up. That's two times in a week I've seen him in a tie. I'm shocked.
Here is a pic of him with Camilla Bell, who has been rumored to be his girlfriend in the past.

Hmm. She's really pretty. I have also heard rumors that she dated/is dating Rob's BFF Tom Sturridge aka Tom Stu.

I wonder if she is really dating either of them or if she is just their friend.
Anywho, have a great day. And don't forget to pick up every penny you see and wish on bales of hay. It can't hurt, right?


Elle Bunny

Monday, October 27, 2008

Michelle Duggar = bat shit crazy or heavily medicated?

I cannot believe this woman. She is getting ready to have her 18th child and this is how she acts:

I just can't get over how sweet she is all the time. It reminds me of myself when I take anti-anxiety medication (don't judge). Last night I found myself watching "17 children and counting" and I couldn't stop. If you haven't caught this show yet, or don't know who the Duggars are, let me explain.

Michelle is married to Jim Bob. They are due to have their 18th baby on New Years Day. They are not Mormon and they did not use any fertility drugs. They are non-denominational Christian and just don't use Birth Control. They live in Arkansas and all their kids' names start with J. They homeschool.
Now, I must say, all the kids are fairly well-behaved and the whole family seems to be really nice. Here is a clip of their trip to NYC, where they visited the Today Show and Mom Michelle announced her pregnancy to the world and to her kids!
Now, I think it's great that Michelle is all sweetness and light, and her kids are darling, but I have to discuss the most important issue. And that is:
The Engagement of Josh Duggar.
Josh is the oldest Duggar, therefore he got a normal name, unlike Jinger or Jedidiah. He is really cute and seems really nice. He met his honey Anna at a Homeschooler conference. She lives in Florida with her parents and she looks just like one of his sisters. Josh flew down to Florida to suprise Anna on her birthday and came into the restaurant with a bunch of balloons. Her parents left the booth to go look around the restaurant and he got down on one knee and proposed. There was much to snark about in the whole thing, but I'll skip that, because I'll seem like an evil witch, and really it was all pretty sweet.
Anyway, the most important thing that was revealed in this episode is that Anna and Josh are planning to kiss for the first time on their wedding day. Now, it was kind of a given that they weren't going to "make the sex" until their wedding night, but really? What if he slobbers? What if she is one of those kissers that sticks her tongue down his throat? This just seems like a bad idea to me. Not only are they not going to kiss, but they asked their parents if they thought it would be okay for them to hold hands. Since their parents said they thought it would be fine they hold hands like it is going out of style. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable watching them hold hands--the looks they give each other while doing it make me want to vomit.

So the other part of this deal they call "courtship" is that someone has to chaperone them at all times. This responsibility usually falls on one of Josh's younger sisters. The one that went on a date with them assured us that they wouldn't kiss, but that if they started kissing, she doesn't know what she would do, but she would do something.(?)

Now I'm going to share a very unpopular opinion that I happen to hold. If you ask me, these people are way more obsessed with sex than anybody I know, including most of the people I know who are having sex and a lot of it. I think the Duggars and people like them get off on talking about sex, or in this case, the lack of it. The parents get off on everyone knowing they are having sex all the time (to make the babies). And maybe I'm a sinner, but I don't know what is wrong with a little kissing before the wedding and fewer babies afterwards.
Apparently Josh and Anna got married on September 26. Here is a picture from the wedding.

How much do you want to bet she is already pregnant a month later?

And maybe it's just me, but I enjoy watching Moms like Kate Gosselin and Amy Roloff who lose their shit every once in awhile. That seems more normal to me.
So in Twilight news, a new tv promo has come out and it has some new interesting footage:

I'm not remembering the moment in the book where Edward made out with a Bella clad in only a t-shirt and panties. I must have forgotten it-- I don't know the material that well, I only read the book 3 times.

I know, I know. They can't make the movie just like the book. That just kind of shocked me. It seems really out of character for Bella, as well as Kristen. I was not expecting to see her butt this morning. Plus, how funny is the movie guy's voice?

I'm getting excited! It's almost November, which means it is almost Twilight Month!



Elle Bunny