As I said earlier, I'm not a big fan of the Jacob/Bella stuff, but this gave me goosebumps. Especially the end. I don't plan on getting him upset.
Kristen looks drop dead gorgeous throughout the trailer. And I think Jacob might get on my nerves less once he cuts the hair/loses the wig. Dakota Fanning looks so creepy and beautiful, yes? So does Edi Gathegi/Laurent! And Robward only used his constipated face once! I'm so proud.

First of all, can I say, I'm so jealous that they are at a Kings of Leon concert. I'm dying to see them live. But I digress; shippers look at these pictures and see clear evidence that the two of them are together (and believe that they are kissing in the second picture). Non-shippers believe that they are just talking closely because they are at a loud concert.
Here's my take (if you don't want to hear it, don't read my blog you wanker). I may be a shipper, but I'm not easily convinced of these things. I don't believe you would normally speak that closely with someone you were just friends with. And I also believe that Summit is dying for them to keep the fact that they are together a secret. So anytime you see them at any official Twilight function they always have Taylor Lautner, Nikki Reed, or some other poor schmuck shoved in between them. When you see Rob and Kristen outside of official functions they are often hanging out together. Whether or not there are others with them, they seem to be in their own little world.
They know that everyone is gossiping about them and wondering if they are together. They know that Summit would rather them not confirm everyone's suspicions (if you need any confirmation of that fact, just check out the videos of Comic-Con in which reporters are instructed to keep their questions to the movie and not ask about anyone's private life). I think that they feel stifled by Summit's request that they keep things quiet and this is their way of rebelling. It would appear that they are giving a middle finger to Summit, and for that, I applaud them. But just because they don't care whether people think they are together doesn't mean they are getting married. It doesn't even really mean that they're really together. It could just mean they are trying to piss off the studio. But I do believe that they are together.
When you get right down to it, we're all just speculating. That's just my two cents.
I'm counting down the days until November 20th (93 more to go). But I have something else exciting coming up this week. Tomorrow I'm getting on a plane with Mr. Bunny and my parents to go up to Washington. In less than 48 hours I will be in Forks, Washington. I will obviously have tons of pictures to share when I get back.
Have a great week!
Elle Bunny
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