I'm definitely a girly girl. I have always liked shoes and makeup and hair and I have been reading bridal and fashion magazines for as long as I can remember. Playing dress-up was and always will be a favorite pass time. So, keep in mind that I like wearing makeup and wouldn't be caught dead without it at most times.But something has been irking me lately.
Boys don't have to do any of this! They get up and take a shower and 5 minutes later, they are ready to go. I guess I hadn't realized the difference until my husband and I were getting ready at around the same time. His job is going great, he really likes it, and has been getting home at a decent hour. I'm very pleased with all of this. But it is not fair that boys don't have to do anything but shave. On the other hand, I would be mad if I couldn't use concealer on a zit. So I guess there is a negative side to their low maintenance lifestyle. But they don't seem to usually care if they get a zit.
We have all seen the girls that look their best without makeup, and good for them (lucky ducks!), but I'm not one of them, and I know I'm not alone. So why do the majority of guys look great without makeup--clear complexions, perfect skin? And have you ever really looked at a guys eyelashes? Usually extremely long and curled up at the end. And usually guys get hotter as they get older--see example:
George Clooney Then
So while I enjoy being a girl, what gives? When God punished Eve and women for all eternity for eating the apple, was the eternal primping somewhere in the footnotes underneath all that stuff about painful childbirth? And furthermore, we all know that guys don't really appreciate this gift of natural beauty, and get annoyed with us when we take too long to get ready.
I'm leaving for my beach trip tomorrow, so have a great weekend, and I will be back with a new blog on Monday!

Here is my question--is it that they don't care or is it that they don't need it? Why don't guys need moisturizer? Now I know that there are metrosexual men out there who use moisturizer, but why does Mr. Bunny (who doesn't use moisturizer) not necessitate it? Is it that the products we use dry us out? Are we creating the monster?

George Clooney Then

Hot but not as hot as
George Clooney Now

But, if you are lucky like me, you have a boy in your life who says you look beautiful and that makes all of the effort worthwhile.

Elle Bunny
Elle Bunny
1 comment:
Now now my bunny, I think you're beautiful with or without make-up (I love your glasses as well).
Mr. Bunny
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