He is so dreamy. And this is not even the first time I have talked about my love for him on this blog. This is because, unlike most celebrities, he seemingly exceeds people's expectations of him at every turn. I have always thought that Johnny was hot, but did not develop a crush on him until I kept hearing such nice things about him. So, I thought I would share yet another story that confirms what we already knew--Johnny Depp is the coolest guy in the movies.

Johnny Depp is a cat in the hat one 12-year-old will never forget. Playing 1930's bank robber John Dillinger – America's Most Wanted at the time – for his upcoming movie Public Enemies, Depp was shooting on location in Wisconsin in April when he was observed on the set by local boy Jack Taylor, who especially admired Depp/Dillinger's hat. In fact, the boy wanted the fedora, and asked the actor if he could have it. Depp, 45, said Taylor could, once the movie was finished. Last week, reports the Oshkosh, Wis., newspaper the Northwestern, Depp made good on his promise. Taylor received the hat. The leading man's rep also included gifts for Taylor's four siblings from Depp's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, as well as a note from the star himself, telling Jack to enjoy what was sent. Now Taylor is at work on a thank-you note. His parents are helping. -People Magazine

How can you not fall in love with him upon hearing this story? Oh, and by the way, there was a drive-by shooting on the set of this movie this morning, but no one was hurt and Johnny wasn't there. But I'm sure if he had been there he would have avoided being shot and shielded everyone from harm. He had also donated big bucks to a hospital where his child was treated from some weird condition and even came to the hospital last Christmas dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow to read a story to the kids that were there.

Swoon! I just adore him.
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