It is a terrible show, but I couldn't stop watching it.
Do you ever watch something for like an hour and a half and then suddenly think, oh my gosh it's 8:30, and what the hell am I watching?
The thing that worries me is someone like Kelly. Kelly and Austin came on the show because they think they are ready for kids. Besides her having a breakdown at the beginning when they made all the girls wear a baby bump
(Austin giggled at her and she got her feelings hurt. Get real girl--you only have to wear it for a couple of days), they actually did really well. They got a baby with a sweet disposition and it all looked pretty easy for them. They did a good job, too. But I'm worried that now they will go out and have a baby and be shocked when it is not all sweetness and light.

So the premise of the show is really stupid. These 5 teenage couples are seriously thinking about having children together (as much as teenagers think seriously about anything) and enter an experiment where they move into a house together and then 5 sets of parents lend their babies to them for 3 and a half days!
What were they thinking? On the one hand, there was a nanny there that watched everything, but she didn't do or say anything unless they were seriously endangering the child. And the parents could watch everything from a house across the street. But why even bring your kid to be taken care of if you are just going to watch everything they do on a TV? I hope they paid those people a lot of money and that they all put the money in college funds for their kids, with an extra $10,000 put aside for the cost of therapy, because these children are going to be ticked off when they find out what happened.
Anyway, some of the teens were awful in the role of parent. There was a girl named Alicea, and she was cursing at the child (who was teething and fussy) and telling him "fine, you can starve to death" when he was having trouble eating. Her reason for having kids as a teen were "we want to be young parents."
I never understand what people mean when they say that. I mean, I understand not wanting to be so old that you can't get down on the floor and play with them, but to a five-year-old, is there really that much difference in having a parent who is 25 or 35? I would venture to say that they don't notice a difference and that their parent always seems old. And I would probably be a lot happier with a parent who had had time to get a degree and makes pretty good money than with a parent who was never there because they had to work two jobs just to make ends meet.
The thing that scares me about this show isn't someone like Alicea. I don't think she will be having kids anytime soon and I think she pretty much ruined her relationship with her boyfriend Cory. So the show did what it was supposed to do. Here is a clip of them fighting over getting up in the middle of night to take care of the baby.
The thing that worries me is someone like Kelly. Kelly and Austin came on the show because they think they are ready for kids. Besides her having a breakdown at the beginning when they made all the girls wear a baby bump
(Austin giggled at her and she got her feelings hurt. Get real girl--you only have to wear it for a couple of days), they actually did really well. They got a baby with a sweet disposition and it all looked pretty easy for them. They did a good job, too. But I'm worried that now they will go out and have a baby and be shocked when it is not all sweetness and light.
But, there is still time for them to decide to not have babies, because next week they will get toddlers. That should do the trick.
Anyway, I watched two hours of this junk last night, and then found myself about halfway into Celebrity Circus (AWFUL) and suddenly, I couldn't fight the urge to find the remote and change it to HGTV before I threw up all over the place. NBC, what the hell are you doing? I'm watching it, but it is like a train wreck. But I guess all that matters to them is that I'm watching it.
I pray that I don't get sucked back into the bad baby borrowers vortex again next week, but chances are I will.
Elle Bunny
1 comment:
I didn't watch the baby show, but I have gotten totally sucked in to HGTV! It's replacing Food Network in my heart!!! I heart House Hunters...
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