So my workplace has been going through some changes lately and I don't really like them. I still love the organization, but I knew it was bad when my bosses at work started to bother me more than the people on the phone.
So I applied for a job in another part of the organization (same building). And I already got an interview for this Friday! Isn't that exciting?

I found this out on Friday and immediately felt like I had to go out and buy a new shirt for the interview (to wear with my awesome suit) but I still have not bought anything. But do you ever notice how something like an interview or a reunion or a wedding can make you feel like you have to get all this stuff done that you've been putting off for weeks? Now I feel like I really need to get my nails done and my eyebrows waxed and while I'm at it, I should really get my toes done. And I am kicking myself for making my hair appointment for the Monday afterwards (of course, how could I have known three months ago?). 

I worked this Saturday because I had been off on Monday to recover from the George Michael goodness. And might I say, crazy people call on Saturdays. This lady kept calling over and over again who wants to be in a commercial for our organization, and she had gotten into two fights with people earlier in the day and we were instructed to tell her "I'm sorry but we have exhausted all of our resources and I'm going to have to disconnect now". She called twice and told me she wanted to apologize to my supervisor for yelling at her. Then she tells me on the second call that it is her birthday. How sad is it that the best thing she had to do was call us 15 times on her birthday? People are weird (and sad). I used to work a different shift where I always worked on Saturday and the people used to drive me nuts, but for a one time shift, it was kind of nice change. I found that I had missed the crazies
(but not too much).

Later that night, we went to see The Dark Knight which was really amazing. Heath Ledger is unbelievable.
I already want to see it again, and I heard it is really awesome in Imax. While we were waiting in line, we ran into my friend Justin and his family. It was good to see them.

I have also discovered that I am becoming one of those horrible obsessed people when it comes to Twilight.
I always thought the Harry Potter people were kind of silly-little did I know. I called my friend Rachel and told her she had to read it and wouldn't stop talking about it. I make my husband watch all the stuff online and I am lucky that he isn't ready to throw me off our balcony because it is what I talk about 60% of the time. During my spare time at work, pretty much all I do is watch behind the scenes footage from the movie and read stuff on all the Twilighter websites. I started bouncing up and down in my seat when the preview for it came on when we were at Dark Knight-yes, I know, I am a twelve year old at heart. And I apologize to everyone I know who is probably ready to hit me at this point. But it is an addiction.

So on Sunday, Mr Bunny and I hung out all morning (and a little of the afternoon) in our pjs before going to my parents for a cookout. I love my family.
They are so much fun to be around. And I am so excited for my sister whose last day of work was Friday since she is going back to school to get her masters in education and become a History teacher. I am so proud of her and glad that she gets a little bit of time off before she goes back to school.

Well I've got to get back to work. Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
1 comment:
Thanks Sissy! I had so much fun with you this weekend, and am so proud of you for your interview. I love you!
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