You've always kind of gotten on my nerves. But I guess the real reason behind my initial annoyance was jealousy--here was this girl who seemed so lucky, like she had so much-she was beautiful, she was a great dancer, she got to perform in front of big crowds, she was in a not very good but entertaining movie, and her boyfriend was Justin Timberlake.

Here's a video to help bring you back to that time.
Doesn't that just break your heart? I was 16 when this came on tv, and I remember thinking, how did she get so lucky?
Now, here we are Brit, 7 years later, and I feel so bad for what you've gone through. The two botched marriages
(don't forget Las Vegas with Jason Alexander),
the two babies you don't see enough of and were accused of neglecting,
the numerous horrible incidents and stints in rehab. I don't blame you for shaving your head bald and trying to attack the paps with your umbrella.
I would only trade lives with you for a week, so I could help get yours in order--I don't think you can screw things up too bad in my life (but you never know with Britney). But I don't know if I would do that good of a job--look at this and tell me it is something you would want to deal with everyday of your life.

I know everybody says that this is the life you choose when you get into the business, but I don't think when Britney auditioned for the Mickey Mouse Club she was signing up for this kind of "legal" stalking.
She just wanted to perform, and that doesn't always come with the baggage that Britney has gotten stuck with. When Britney and I were little girls, the big stars like Whitney Houston and Paula Abdul posed for pictures when they went to premieres and award shows, but they never had the three ring circus that Britney has been subjected to. How could she ever have anticipated this madness? So Britney, I empathize for what you are going through.
And I didn't want to have to bring it up, but Britney, we have to talk about this:
That should have been your moment to shine--the comeback of your career. Instead you were walking around the stage like a bored stripper working the day shift.
It is time to bring it, Britney! We need you back! I hear rumblings that you might be performing at the VMA's this year. I see you hanging out with the kids, and I'll even try and ignore the cigarette (but Brit, you must remember, second-hand smoke KILLS). You are trying to get things in order one step at a time, and I applaud you for that. Be the Britney that we all know you can be! You may not be the best singer in the world, but you sure as hell can entertain!
P.S. I finished Breaking Dawn last night. Overall, I liked the book and thought Stephenie did a good job. She took a lot of risks, and not everyone is happy with the book, but I was really happy with the way everything turned out. I plan on reading it again soon (in fact, I'm planning on rereading the whole series, possibly a couple of times.) They are really good books and if you haven't read them yet, I think you should. If you read Breaking Dawn and weren't happy with it, I recommend stepping away from it for a week and reading it with new eyes. I think many people are mistaking shock for dislike. Stephenie took us on an awesome ride with this one, and I applaud her for it!
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