Did anybody else find the American Idol final performance night a little underwhelming? I mean, they're really good and everything, but it didn't have the same flash and pizazz as they usually put out. It did have the same amount of suckage on the American Idol song front, and I would like to announce that I'm officially voting Kara Diowhocaresado off the island/judges table. How did it take three people to write that song? And how is it possible that this is the same woman who co-wrote Rich Girl for Gwen Stefani or Ain't No Other Man by Christina Aguilera? I nearly choked on my Diet Dr Pepper when Adam started singing ''You can go higher! You can go deeper!" That song was a step down after "Time of our Life" by David Cook last year (which was by comparison, a totally passable song). I think Suri's expression says what we were all feeling while listening to "No Boundaries".
I wonder what they were doing there. I guess Xenu let the captives out for the night.
So anyway, whenever I see the two remaining contestants on American Idol, I can't help but think about how much they look like other people. Has anybody else noticed this? Adam Lambert has always reminded me of a friend's ex-boyfriend Zeb, whose real name was Otis. I would post a picture of him so that you could see how much they look alike, but I haven't seen Zeb/Otis is around two years so that doesn't seem fair. Besides that, there are plenty of other good comparisons to be made.
The most common comparison we've heard during the course of the season? Randy has brought up "Twilight" twice when reviewing Adam's performance. The first time was early in the season and he said that Adam reminded him of the "Twilight Guy" and had a Robert Pattinson look about him.

Other celebrities Adam resembles? Let's see:

Do you see it?

Sorry, but it had to be said.

Shocking, isn't it? Anyway, I'm kind of known amongst friends for thinking people resemble different types of animals. I often refer to people as looking like "Sweaty Turtles" or "Dog/fish" in everyday conversations. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as I will admit that I myself am a dog/bear hybrid. Well, Kris and Adam don't just look like animals, they look like Muppets. It might have something to do with the massive amount of makeup AI has them wear. See the resemblance?

And here's Kris's muppet:

They're a match made in H1N1 heaven. But you know who Kris really reminds me of?

Whatever happened to Hal Sparks? I haven't seen him in awhile. Oh, and he also reminds me one Mr. John Mayer. Do you see it?
I think this is one that Kris was actively trying for what with the guitar, the airy voice, and the silly facial expressions.
I don't know how y'all feel about it, but I'm a little unsure as to who I think should win. I think they are both pretty good but REALLY different artists. It's really hard to compare the two. I think whoever wins just has the more popular or eye-catching style right now. But that doesn't necessarily mean they are here to stay. When is the last time you heard anything from Fantasia Barrino or Ruben Studdard? Taylor Hicks anyone?
I'm not sure why I'm still watching the show at this point. I guess it's because I like Simon and Paula is the most entertaining crackhead on television.
Have a great American Idol finale night!

I don't know how y'all feel about it, but I'm a little unsure as to who I think should win. I think they are both pretty good but REALLY different artists. It's really hard to compare the two. I think whoever wins just has the more popular or eye-catching style right now. But that doesn't necessarily mean they are here to stay. When is the last time you heard anything from Fantasia Barrino or Ruben Studdard? Taylor Hicks anyone?
I'm not sure why I'm still watching the show at this point. I guess it's because I like Simon and Paula is the most entertaining crackhead on television.
Have a great American Idol finale night!
Elle Bunny
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