But anyway, here's the thing-the awkward encounter with a costar ended up not being Loni Anderson's appearance at her son's b-day party. I got through her entire description of Liam's first birthday party and not one mention was made of it. So I kept reading, wondering when the awkward encounter would take place. And ever since I read about it, I haven't been able to put it out of my mind. Here's what happened.
Her stepson Jack just recently moved to LA from Canada with his mom. He started going to school and would often talk about a friend in his class who was also named Jack and one day Dean picked him up from school and realized that it was Jack Perry. That's right, Luke Perry's son. So Tori's Jack invited Luke's Jack to his laser tag birthday party. When Tori showed up Luke was sitting there and she went up to hug him and he gave her the cold shoulder. He totally ignored her the entire time--oh, except for the time he asked her where the bathroom was and then rolled his eyes because she didn't know.
I wish I could express how absolutely horrified I am by this. The minute I started reading about the episode my jaw dropped and my mouth stayed wide open throughout the rest of the chapter. It's just not right. They were on a show together for a long time. Tori was so intimidated by him that she was afraid to ask what was wrong. Her friend Scout who was there with her at the party insisted that it must be because of the book (Stori Telling). But I read the book, and Tori and I were both puzzled as to why Luke would be pissed about the way he was portrayed. I finished that book with the feeling that Luke Perry was a bigger badass than Dylan McKay. He punched out Tori's douche bag boyfriend and called her Camel because of her long eyelashes. He was a freaking hero. But she explains that if she knows anything about Luke (and she should since she's known him for 20 years) he probably never read the book, but just kept getting asked about it and having people mention that she wrote about him punching her boyfriend at her parents' Christmas party. I can understand that he might be annoyed if that was all he knew, but he should have read the book.
I know it's silly, but I have always thought Dylan McKay was an extension of Luke Perry. And I mean really, isn't Dylan supposed to be well-read? He reads poetry by Lord Byron and looked for Balzac's house in Paris. He had already read all the books for AP Senior English before Brandon even started the class. He can't read Stori Telling and draw his own conclusions? Call me ridiculous, but I'm disillusioned.

Ah, Drug Addict Dylan, how I love thee. Is that what Luke's problem is?
And I know this off-topic, but it's funny--I kind of hate Brandon Walsh, but once Jason Priestly left Bev Hills, the show went right down the toilet. It was pretty awful in the last few seasons.
Anyway, the book=not awful. A pretty good read. At times Tori gets a little whiny, but overall I'd give the book a B+. But if you are looking for Bev Hills gossip, this is not the book for you--if you haven't read Stori Telling yet, you must immediately.
Everyone have a great day! Make sure to tune in tomorrow, because not only will there be an awesome Friday's Fun Fearless Female (I mean it; she's pretty much the Patron Saint of PIMSC), it will also be my one year anniversary of blogging and my 200th blog.
Elle Bunny
Elle Bunny
That is crazy! I know Jennie Garth didn't read the book either. Why? Why wouldn't you read it? When you said former co-worker I was horrified that it would be Zachary Quinto, but I took it out of my mind because Tori and Dean showed up at the Star Trek premiere. Oh, Luke Perry. I want to imagine that he was wearing one of thosed hooded baja surft shirts though.
Ah, yes the hooded baja surf shirts. And I hope his cell phone voice mail says "this is luke perry. You know the drill".
I don't understand. I thought Luke Perry was playing the character Dylan. Just because Dylan likes to read doesn't mean Luke does. Luke Perry was acting.
This is true. But I have a history of not being able to separate fact from fiction. Sorry if it is confusing, but this whole blog entry was done with tongue firmly placed in cheek.
Thanks so much for posting the book info...I was dying to know what the birthday party incident was all about (without having to wait to go to the bookstore tomorrow). And I love all your other BH90210 comments too! It's awesome that you know the quotes and plots so well! From one fan to another - your site makes for a fun read. Glad to have found it.
Thanks so much!! Glad you like it :) Us Bev Hills fans have to stick together.
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