Yes. I'm now officially back. And there is a lot to talk about. Starting with:
Filming in Vancouver is winding down. They are supposed to start filming it Italy on May 22. The Volturi has already filmed the majority of the interior scenes in Vancouver. Here is an awesome pic of our Edward, Jacob, Alec, Jane and Bella.

I've gotta say, I love Dakota Fanning. I also adore Michael Sheen. Both Michael (aka Aro) and Jamie Campbell-Bower (aka Caius) have been Tweeting throughout the last few weeks about the experience (you can follow them here and here ), and they just seem like the most awesome guys. It's nice to know that even though the cast continues to expand, it still seems to be a group of awesome folks. Speaking of which, have I mentioned how much I like Alex Meraz (aka Paul)? Because he is made of awesome. Check this out:
Based on that, I'm going to go ahead and recommend they expand on his role in the books. I can honestly say I remember little about Paul from the books, although that is not too surprising, as I haven't read them in awhile and I was never a wolf pack kind of gal. But he seems like such a nice guy and he's easy on the eyes, so I might just change my mind watching this movie. You never know.
So apparently Kellan and Nikki are interested in tagging along on the trip to Italy. I can't say I blame them but I hope they aren't expecting Summit to pay for it considering that money could be going towards wolf-transformation special effects.
No Cullen siblings in Italy. Huh. I guess Bella stole that awesome car and drove into Volterra all by herself. Anybody get the feeling that Nikki is a little hurt that she doesn't play a bigger role in this part of the series? Get over it NReed, green isn't the most becoming color on you. And Ashley/Alice is awesome, so all you are doing is alienating yourself from the Twilighters.Boo.
So, over the past few weeks, there have been many papparazi photos taken, too many to talk about in one blog. Here are a few of the highlights:
Taking a smoke break during an important dinner with Melissa Rosenberg, Stephenie Meyer and the new director of 'Eclipse'. Same old RPattz and KStew.
Poor Bert looks really pissed off in this picture. Kristen is giving him the googly eyes.
Ahh, the pic that made many shipper hearts soar. I'm not really sure I understand why. Apparently many folks believe that people don't normally sit with legs intertwined like that unless they are having sex. I'm not sure I agree. And while no one would be happier to see these two kids get together than me, I'm not sure I will truly believe they are together until they are openly together. I am glad to see they are hanging out rather than Kristen spending all her time with Nikki.
A pic they took with their ridiculous limo driver from that very same night. I enjoy his tie (it has basketball players on it ).

This is a picture taken of Rob exiting a restaurant after his birthday dinner with family and friends. If you look closely in the background for a dapper man wearing a tweed jacket and jeans, you will spot Papa Pattz. I really want to talk to Papa Pattz. Way more than Rob. I bet he has great stories.
Rob in the car with his very happy cabby. This is from his birthday night, and if you look in the back of the car, you will see KStew in the middle of the backseat with Mama Pattz to her left. Papa Pattz sat behind Bert. Too me, this is more promising than the footsie in the back of the limo, but I'm still not convinced. But I do love Rob's parents, even if I don't really know them. They are obviously made of awesome based on this video and the fact that they raised Rob.
Rob looks really tired.
All good things must come to an end, and Rob's time in Van-city has come to an end for now.
According to, Rob's attending the Cannes Film Festival, as well as making an appearance on 'Le Grand Journal' on May 19th. I have heard rumors that this is to promote his upcoming flick 'Remember Me' (also sometimes called 'Memoirs') that he hasn't even filmed yet. I don't really know how this stuff works, maybe it is to help get the movie distributed?
'Remember Me' is another Summit Production, which doesn't necessarily make me jump up and down, but I have read an early version of the script and it is amazing. The movie is slated to be released on February 12, 2010. Not to ruin it for anybody, but I think that is a bad idea. It is a very romantic story, but I think that is setting people up to go in with the wrong expectations and leave the theatre upset. This isn't a funny romantic comedy. Rob isn't Matthew McConaughey (thank God). Anyway, I think this movie is a good move for Rob.
Another movie Rob is slated to work on soon is called 'Unbound Captives'. From what I understand it will necessitate Rob wearing pierced ears and long hair all whilst riding a horse bareback. Oh, goodness me. The thought of it makes me giggle. Quite a departure for Rob, but I'm so excited to see him work with big names like Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman! As far as I'm concerned, this is a big deal and I can't wait to see it.
Has anybody seen 'Little Ashes' yet? I'm dying to get a reading on it from anybody I know. I really want to see it, but I'm not sure I'll like it. I love 'Brokeback Mountain', and while I think this has similar subject matter, the moustache and the accents may make it difficult for me not to giggle, which is really not appropriate, considering this is actually a really serious movie. I don't know. Why isn't this playing in Austin yet? We have a huge gay population, not to mention we are a city full of artists. Oh, well. Maybe I'll get to see it eventually.
In other news, the cast and Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Rosenberg all met with the director of Eclipse, David Slade. In case you haven't heard, David got into some hot water with the Twilight community for some not so kind comments he made about 'Twilight' before he had seen the movie. Well, he has apologized, and I think people need to give him a break. He was just trying to make a funny. Has anyone seen in any of his other movies? I haven't and I'm interested to find out if they are any good.
Anyways, everyone have a great New Moon Monday, and stay tuned for tomorrow's installment on Youtubesday!
Elle Bunny
PS. LOTS of exciting news!!! So much of it, I'm typing like Kanye (but I promise I'm not yelling at you).
According to E Online's Mark Malkin the Trinity of Twilight will be gracing the MTV Movie Awards with the presence. Oh, but there's more!
Check it out: I can exclusively reveal that footage from the Twilight sequel will be shown for the first time during the upcoming MTV Movie Awards,
And that’s not all—it gets better…
Awards show producer Mark Burnett says [Robert Pattinson], Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will hit the stage together to present the clip.
An action packed, minute-long clip from Twilight showing Edward battling badboy bloodsucker James (Cam Gigandet) made its debut at last year’s awards. It was also the first time Pattinson and Stewart walked a red carpet together in support of the movie.
Click here to read the full announcement.
As if that wasn't exciting enough, it has been announced that the New Moon one-sheet
will be released to the press tomorrow. This is basically the movie poster. I CANNOT WAIT!!!
Additional awesome news: Apparently Nikki Reed will not be going to Italy. And the Robsten shippers rejoice. To read more about Nikki's lack of travel plans click here.
I will leave you with a new picture of Bert arriving at the Nice Airport for the Cannes Film Festival.
It's an exciting time to be a Twilighter.