Friday, May 29, 2009

Audrey Hepburn is Friday's Fun Fearless Female

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
-Audrey Hepburn“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
-Audrey Hepburn
"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others."
-Audrey Hepburn
"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other."
-Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn is the Patron Saint of Pink is My Signature Color. Not only because she was beautiful and a style icon and a talented actress. But because of quotes like these. I could go on and on about how much I love Audrey and all of the reasons why, but I think the quotes are explanation enough. That doesn't mean I won't try to pay her some kind of tribute with this blog entry.
Have you every seen "Breakfast at Tiffany's"? How about "Sabrina" or "My Fair Lady"? They are all absolute masterpieces and throughout all of them it is next to impossible to notice anyone other than Audrey.
Did you know that Truman Capote, who wrote the novella which "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is based on, wanted Marilyn Monroe for the part of Holly Golightly? But Audrey worked hard and got the part and it is difficult to imagine anybody else playing it with such whit, depth and charm.
Audrey was beautiful inside and out. As a child she lived in German-occupied Holland during World War II. Her war-time experiences inspired her to work with UNICEF and eventually become their Goodwill Ambassador. She worked for children throughout the world to protect their rights and advocate for their survival, development and protection.
Audrey is an example of all the things many of us hope to be. She was graceful--she was trained as a ballerina, but due to her malnutrition during the war and the fact that she was fairly tall (5'7") she was determined not to be a candidate for "prima ballerina". Instead she settled on being a Academy Award Winning Actress. She also aged gracefully; take a look at this picture of an older Audrey:Could she be any more beautiful? If only actresses in this day and age didn't use so much botox, we would still get to see mature beauty like this in Hollywood.
What would a tribute to Audrey Hepburn be without making mention of her status as a style icon? My style motto has always been to dress in a way that is not automatically identifiable with a decade. Audrey started doing that in the 1950s. She is most definitely my personal style icon. I mean, come on: As Stacey London would say, Shut up!
She had the kind of classic style that endures, yet she broke ground and did things that other actresses hadn't done.
Like making flats fashionable.

My feet thank you, Audrey.

But she also understood when it was time to turn it out with wedge heels, white shorts, and a hot plaid shirt.She's so awesome.
And then there's the oft-emulated monochromatic look she was so fond of.She was also a fan of turtlenecks, which is just made of win in my book. Mostly because I'm looking for any excuse to call my never-dying love of turtlenecks a fashion statement. I think it's clear that Audrey is an example of class, timeless beauty and elegance, and someone to strive to be more like.

I will leave you with one final thought on why Audrey is the Patron Saint of Pink is My Signature Color:

She knew that when all else fails, dance.

Thanks for being such an inspiration Audrey!

There are some other folks I need to acknowledge at this point, because I have now been blogging for a whole year and this is my 200th blog. For those of you who know me, you will understand that this shows quite a bit of uncharacteristic commitment on my part. I have always been one to start a journal with the intention of writing in it every day, only to find it under my bed and realize I haven't written in it in three months. I have to say I'm proud of myself for continuing to blog and I hope to be blogging a year from now.

The majority of these people will never read this, but that's okay--I just want to acknowledge their awesomeness. I know that there is no way that I would still be doing this blog if it weren't for Stephenie Meyer who wrote the fabulous Twilight Saga which has kept me so entertained over the last year, so props to her and the whole cast of Twilight for keeping me committed and interested in something for this long. I'd also like to thank a few of the many bloggers who continue to inspire me and make me giggle my way through the work day--Michael K over at D Listed, Ree at The Pioneer Woman, Brandi at Just a Simple Girl with a Dream, Mandy at Pants Design and Greer over at Stoneybrookite. You should check all of these blogs out for wonderful tales of Cheeto Casseroles, dropping panties in coffins, a parody of Steel Magnolias called Tin Petunias, Bits of awesomeness and Twilight news (and even Twilight crafts), and an in-depth discussion of whether Ed McGill (Stacey's dad from the Baby-Sitter's Club series) was secretly a millionaire.

I'd like to thank everyone who continues to read my blog. I know there is no way that every topic is interesting to everyone, but I appreciate the fact that my family and friends continue to read it. Hopefully a few other people find it interesting as well.

Thanks again for reading!


Elle Bunny

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My review of Mommywood: Is Luke Perry "mad, bad and dangerous to know" in real life?

I really like Tori Spelling. I know a lot of people don't, but I do. I think she's endearing and I like her family. The new season of her show just started and I still enjoy it. I read Stori Telling and loved it. With all that juicy gossip about what went on behind the scenes of Beverly Hills, 90210 how could I not enjoy it? Even so, when her new book came out, I was a little hesitant to pick up the book because it seemed to be all about the mommy stuff and I'm not a mommy so I didn't really think I would enjoy it as much as the first one. But I bought it anyway because it was on sale and the cover says something about an awkward encounter with a former co-star at a birthday party. It was only on the way home from the bookstore that I remembered that Loni Anderson had come to her son Liam's first birthday party and that was probably what she was referring to (Loni played her mom on the show So NorTorious). So I put off reading it because that was the main motivating factor. On the way home from San Antonio on Monday I picked it up (it's been on the floorboard of my car since April) and started reading (don't worry, Mr Bunny was driving). I finished it the next day. It was very entertaining and an easy read. Not something I would ever reread, but enjoyable. One of the reasons I love Tori-she's not afraid to admit her odd habits and idiosyncrasies. She discusses how she always turns all of her shampoo and conditioner bottles to face the front because if one isn't facing the same way, she worries it will feel bad about itself. I'm not above admitting that I do stupid stuff like this too. But I don't have OCD. I have a problem with assigning personalities and feelings to inanimate objects.
But anyway, here's the thing-the awkward encounter with a costar ended up not being Loni Anderson's appearance at her son's b-day party. I got through her entire description of Liam's first birthday party and not one mention was made of it. So I kept reading, wondering when the awkward encounter would take place. And ever since I read about it, I haven't been able to put it out of my mind. Here's what happened.
Her stepson Jack just recently moved to LA from Canada with his mom. He started going to school and would often talk about a friend in his class who was also named Jack and one day Dean picked him up from school and realized that it was Jack Perry. That's right, Luke Perry's son. So Tori's Jack invited Luke's Jack to his laser tag birthday party. When Tori showed up Luke was sitting there and she went up to hug him and he gave her the cold shoulder. He totally ignored her the entire time--oh, except for the time he asked her where the bathroom was and then rolled his eyes because she didn't know.
I wish I could express how absolutely horrified I am by this. The minute I started reading about the episode my jaw dropped and my mouth stayed wide open throughout the rest of the chapter. It's just not right. They were on a show together for a long time. Tori was so intimidated by him that she was afraid to ask what was wrong. Her friend Scout who was there with her at the party insisted that it must be because of the book (Stori Telling). But I read the book, and Tori and I were both puzzled as to why Luke would be pissed about the way he was portrayed. I finished that book with the feeling that Luke Perry was a bigger badass than Dylan McKay. He punched out Tori's douche bag boyfriend and called her Camel because of her long eyelashes. He was a freaking hero. But she explains that if she knows anything about Luke (and she should since she's known him for 20 years) he probably never read the book, but just kept getting asked about it and having people mention that she wrote about him punching her boyfriend at her parents' Christmas party. I can understand that he might be annoyed if that was all he knew, but he should have read the book.
I know it's silly, but I have always thought Dylan McKay was an extension of Luke Perry. And I mean really, isn't Dylan supposed to be well-read? He reads poetry by Lord Byron and looked for Balzac's house in Paris. He had already read all the books for AP Senior English before Brandon even started the class. He can't read Stori Telling and draw his own conclusions? Call me ridiculous, but I'm disillusioned. I just keep thinking about the time when Dylan dropped by the beach apartment on his way out of town for Christmas (another trip to Baja) and brought gifts for Donna for Christmas and her birthday (which fell on the same day). It seems there relationship has gone the way of the later seasons.

Ah, Drug Addict Dylan, how I love thee. Is that what Luke's problem is?
And I know this off-topic, but it's funny--I kind of hate Brandon Walsh, but once Jason Priestly left Bev Hills, the show went right down the toilet. It was pretty awful in the last few seasons.
Anyway, the book=not awful. A pretty good read. At times Tori gets a little whiny, but overall I'd give the book a B+. But if you are looking for Bev Hills gossip, this is not the book for you--if you haven't read Stori Telling yet, you must immediately.
Everyone have a great day! Make sure to tune in tomorrow, because not only will there be an awesome Friday's Fun Fearless Female (I mean it; she's pretty much the Patron Saint of PIMSC), it will also be my one year anniversary of blogging and my 200th blog.
Elle Bunny

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Moon Wednesday: Spoilerish

I was out of town on Monday. I had important things to do like drink margaritas, get splashed by Shamu and feed the dolphins, so unfortunately I wasn't able to get around to my weekly New Moon post on Monday. But things have a way of working out, because today some major pictures came out. They are kind of spoilerish--but I don't see what the big deal is about seeing picture from filming when you've already read the book. But just in case, I will now post a large ridiculous photo of Robward. This term refers to Rob when he is in his Edward gear but not actually filming so there is no spoiler element to this pic. If you don't want to see the spoilerish pics, don't scroll past this one. You have been warned.

So lets get down to it. These pictures are from the best scene in New Moon. You know what I'm talking about. When Bella and Alice go to Italy to save Edward from killing himself. He is planning to expose what he really is--a shirtless sparkly vampire--in the Volterra town square. These pics capture the shirtless part, as well as the subsequent rescue by Bella.

If you would like to see larger versions of these photos, or more photos from the same batch (there are hundreds) you can click here or here. If you are wondering what the dots on Rob are, those are markers for his sparkles (LOL). And maybe I'm just a skeptic, but even though I know Rob has been working out a lot lately, I think he might have had some help from makeup with his abs. But I have to say, doesn't he look like he's carved out of marble? Nice work, Rob.

And bravo, Chris Weitz!!

I have so much faith that this movie is going to be better than the last one. I think the end of New Moon might be my favorite part of the whole Saga. In fact, when I've had a good run of bad days, I will pick up the book and turn to the part where Alice arrives back in Forks and read through to the end. This part specifically is my favorite. I love that it is the first time (but not the only time) that Bella rescues Edward. People are always complaining about Bella being a wimp and a bad role model for girls. To which I say, boo, you. She runs with a bunch of vampires and werewolves. Oh, and there are always bad vampires trying to kill her. How is she supposed to keep up? But I love that she rescues Edward in that scene because I think that is what love is really all about--in a real relationship, each person plays the rescuer and the rescued from time to time.

I digress-basically what I'm trying to say is that it is important to me that they get this scene right. And this is exactly how I pictured it.

I will close for now with a quick video of Alice's Yellow Porsche speeding through Volterra.

Have a great New Moon Wednesday!

Elle Bunny

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Youtubesday: My 2nd Wedding Anniversary

Corey (aka Mr. Bunny) and I got married two years ago today. Our first dance was to this song:

Don't you just love Al Green? This has always been our song, and it is the song for a million other couples, but there's a reason for that. Every word rings true. We're surrounded by couples that break up and make up; divorces abound. Even in the best of relationships, life can sometimes get in the way of realizing how lucky you are to have found one another. But, corny as it might sound, I can honestly say that Corey always makes me feel brand new. And I look forward to the next 200 years together (it's possible--somewhere along the way we plan on becoming vampires; if that doesn't work out, I'll be looking into having us cryogenically frozen in a lucid dream state a la Vanilla Sky).

I think it is important to focus on that love and make it a priority to stay together. Every year I'm with Corey, my life gets better and better. We both encourage each other to try new things and pursue our dreams. I believe in him and he believes in me.

In closing, I apologize if all of this gushing about how in love I am has made you want to hurl. What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic. I can't believe Corey and I have been married for two years. I still feel like a newlywed who just got married two or three months ago.

Have a great day and Happy Anniversary Mr. Bunny!


Elle Bunny

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pinky is Friday's Fun Fearless Female

For those of you who don't know, Pinky is our nickname for my mom. It developed because she used to wear these ridiculous pink curlers which my dad called her "Pinkies."
Pinky's birthday is tomorrow and both me and my sister are going to be out of town, which I feel terrible about. But Pinky is the first to assure us it's okay, to go and have fun. She always puts others first and seems to truly draw happiness from seeing those around her happy.
Pinky is my hero. Whenever anything good happens, she is the first person I want to call. She is all the first person I want to talk to whenever anything bad happens. I know she will know the solution to the problem and will help me to feel better.
As I grow older, I find myself wondering how my parents seemed so confident. I never once doubted that they knew exactly what to do in every situation and that they would do anything to protect us from harm. Throughout all the rough times, the sickness, the fighting and hair-brush throwing, Pinky always seemed to know what to do with me and my sister.
Pinky has always done the right thing. I remember as a very small child, my mom took us to the mall. This was back in the day when the only malls around were Highland and one other which I can't remember the name of (it was in the building that now houses the Garden Ridge in Round Rock). Well, Pinky took me and Meredith to Highland, because she knew we loved the bubble gum ice cream with the actual gumballs in it as well as the tux-wearing pianist in the food court. Walking through the mall we ran into an older woman in a wheelchair who was confused and couldn't find her family. My mom stayed with her, pushed her wheelchair, and helped her find her family, all while dealing with her two whiny daughters whose only focus was gumball ice cream. But that moment has stayed with me and it taught me a lesson which can only be taught by example. She taught us to be kind to others.
My mom is a kind person who honestly cares about people around her and really listens when you tell her something. She doesn't just ask "How are you?" because it is customary, she asks because she really wants to know.
My mom has taught me so much it is impossible to even summarize it all.
But off the top of my head, here's a list of just a few of the things she taught me:
to love life
to love music
to love poetry
to love to read
to love to travel
to love to plan
to love my family
and a few other life lessons:
Pinky taught me by example how to be a good wife.
She taught me how to cook a few of her best recipes and she also encouraged me to just get in the kitchen and try.
She taught me that even if you don't like to clean, it has to be done, so just do it (she also taught me how to clean).
She taught me how to deal with the paperwork/insurance/taxes/customer service representatives in life.
But one of the best things about Pinky is that she is always there to catch me when I fall or when I need help remembering how long to cook Chicken and Rice or what to do in section 42e of my taxes.
On a final note, what I'm most grateful to Pinky for is her spirit and enthusiasm. I hope that she has passed a little of that down to me. From an early age, I remember getting so excited about little things, because my mom would make them so special. She taught me to take pleasure in simple things. Whether it was planning a party or trying to find a treasure that a radio station had hid, she always made it feel like an adventure. Most importantly she made me and Meredith feel involved and important.
One afternoon, after the rain had cleared, my mom took me on a drive in her Navy Buick LeSabre to try and find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
I can only hope to one day be a mom, and if
my kids are lucky, maybe I will be half as good at it as Pinky is.
But even if I'm not, I know they will be okay, because they can always go to Pinky's house and see how a pro does it.
Happy Birthday Pinky and Congrats on being Friday's Fun Fearless Female!
Elle Bunny

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My boys


So sweet.


So cute.


So loving.
I'm so lucky.
Happy Thursday!
Elle Bunny

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol Look-Alike Game

Did anybody else find the American Idol final performance night a little underwhelming? I mean, they're really good and everything, but it didn't have the same flash and pizazz as they usually put out. It did have the same amount of suckage on the American Idol song front, and I would like to announce that I'm officially voting Kara Diowhocaresado off the island/judges table. How did it take three people to write that song? And how is it possible that this is the same woman who co-wrote Rich Girl for Gwen Stefani or Ain't No Other Man by Christina Aguilera? I nearly choked on my Diet Dr Pepper when Adam started singing ''You can go higher! You can go deeper!" That song was a step down after "Time of our Life" by David Cook last year (which was by comparison, a totally passable song). I think Suri's expression says what we were all feeling while listening to "No Boundaries". I wonder what they were doing there. I guess Xenu let the captives out for the night.
So anyway, whenever I see the two remaining contestants on American Idol, I can't help but think about how much they look like other people. Has anybody else noticed this? Adam Lambert has always reminded me of a friend's ex-boyfriend Zeb, whose real name was Otis. I would post a picture of him so that you could see how much they look alike, but I haven't seen Zeb/Otis is around two years so that doesn't seem fair. Besides that, there are plenty of other good comparisons to be made. The most common comparison we've heard during the course of the season? Randy has brought up "Twilight" twice when reviewing Adam's performance. The first time was early in the season and he said that Adam reminded him of the "Twilight Guy" and had a Robert Pattinson look about him.
I'm guessing RPattz was not amused by this comparison, and neither was I. However, I will admit to seeing a passing resemblance to Edward Cullen and I understand what Randy meant last night when he said "No, no, it's 'Twilight'" to contradict Simon's conclusion that Adam's performance was a little bit "Phantom of the Opera," although I think Simon was spot-on with his observation.
Other celebrities Adam resembles? Let's see:
Do you see it?
Sorry, but it had to be said.
It's a bit of a stretch, I know, but doesn't he just kind of remind you of Freddie?
Shocking, isn't it? Anyway, I'm kind of known amongst friends for thinking people resemble different types of animals. I often refer to people as looking like "Sweaty Turtles" or "Dog/fish" in everyday conversations. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as I will admit that I myself am a dog/bear hybrid. Well, Kris and Adam don't just look like animals, they look like Muppets. It might have something to do with the massive amount of makeup AI has them wear. See the resemblance?
And here's Kris's muppet:
They're a match made in H1N1 heaven. But you know who Kris really reminds me of?
Whatever happened to Hal Sparks? I haven't seen him in awhile. Oh, and he also reminds me one Mr. John Mayer. Do you see it? I think this is one that Kris was actively trying for what with the guitar, the airy voice, and the silly facial expressions.
I don't know how y'all feel about it, but I'm a little unsure as to who I think should win. I think they are both pretty good but REALLY different artists. It's really hard to compare the two. I think whoever wins just has the more popular or eye-catching style right now. But that doesn't necessarily mean they are here to stay. When is the last time you heard anything from Fantasia Barrino or Ruben Studdard? Taylor Hicks anyone?
I'm not sure why I'm still watching the show at this point. I guess it's because I like Simon and Paula is the most entertaining crackhead on television.
Have a great American Idol finale night!
Elle Bunny

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Youtubesday: Play him off, keyboard cat!!!

If you haven't seen this yet, then let me introduce you to my friend Keyboard Cat.

Charming fellow, isn't he? This song has been in my dreams several nights of the last few weeks.

It also haunts many an episode of Golden Girls ever since I saw this video.

Bobby Bones even made it to his website (who knew?). This=epic fail.

Did you know that Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table because he can only recognize the element of surprise? (that's all I've got).

Sometimes I wish Keyboard Cat was around to play me off when I trip and fall trying to get up from my desk at work. Or yesterday, after a long day at work, when I went to a cake tasting with my sister and her fiance and my mom. We were talking about cake design and I said that they should use a mammogram when I really meant Monogram. In my head, I hear the Keyboard Cat music.

One final thought: I think Keyboard Cat and Spaghetti Cat should get married and have keyboard-playing, spaghetti-eating kittens. Don't you agree?

Have a great day!


Elle Bunny

Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm Back!!! And it's New Moon Monday!!! (EDITED FOR LATE-BREAKING NEWS!!)

Yes. I'm now officially back. And there is a lot to talk about. Starting with:
Filming in Vancouver is winding down. They are supposed to start filming it Italy on May 22. The Volturi has already filmed the majority of the interior scenes in Vancouver. Here is an awesome pic of our Edward, Jacob, Alec, Jane and Bella.

I've gotta say, I love Dakota Fanning. I also adore Michael Sheen. Both Michael (aka Aro) and Jamie Campbell-Bower (aka Caius) have been Tweeting throughout the last few weeks about the experience (you can follow them here and here ), and they just seem like the most awesome guys. It's nice to know that even though the cast continues to expand, it still seems to be a group of awesome folks. Speaking of which, have I mentioned how much I like Alex Meraz (aka Paul)? Because he is made of awesome. Check this out:

Based on that, I'm going to go ahead and recommend they expand on his role in the books. I can honestly say I remember little about Paul from the books, although that is not too surprising, as I haven't read them in awhile and I was never a wolf pack kind of gal. But he seems like such a nice guy and he's easy on the eyes, so I might just change my mind watching this movie. You never know.
So apparently Kellan and Nikki are interested in tagging along on the trip to Italy. I can't say I blame them but I hope they aren't expecting Summit to pay for it considering that money could be going towards wolf-transformation special effects.

No Cullen siblings in Italy. Huh. I guess Bella stole that awesome car and drove into Volterra all by herself. Anybody get the feeling that Nikki is a little hurt that she doesn't play a bigger role in this part of the series? Get over it NReed, green isn't the most becoming color on you. And Ashley/Alice is awesome, so all you are doing is alienating yourself from the Twilighters.Boo.
So, over the past few weeks, there have been many papparazi photos taken, too many to talk about in one blog. Here are a few of the highlights:

Taking a smoke break during an important dinner with Melissa Rosenberg, Stephenie Meyer and the new director of 'Eclipse'. Same old RPattz and KStew.

Poor Bert looks really pissed off in this picture. Kristen is giving him the googly eyes.Ahh, the pic that made many shipper hearts soar. I'm not really sure I understand why. Apparently many folks believe that people don't normally sit with legs intertwined like that unless they are having sex. I'm not sure I agree. And while no one would be happier to see these two kids get together than me, I'm not sure I will truly believe they are together until they are openly together. I am glad to see they are hanging out rather than Kristen spending all her time with Nikki.

A pic they took with their ridiculous limo driver from that very same night. I enjoy his tie (it has basketball players on it ).

This is a picture taken of Rob exiting a restaurant after his birthday dinner with family and friends. If you look closely in the background for a dapper man wearing a tweed jacket and jeans, you will spot Papa Pattz. I really want to talk to Papa Pattz. Way more than Rob. I bet he has great stories.Rob in the car with his very happy cabby. This is from his birthday night, and if you look in the back of the car, you will see KStew in the middle of the backseat with Mama Pattz to her left. Papa Pattz sat behind Bert. Too me, this is more promising than the footsie in the back of the limo, but I'm still not convinced. But I do love Rob's parents, even if I don't really know them. They are obviously made of awesome based on this video and the fact that they raised Rob. Rob looks really tired.
All good things must come to an end, and Rob's time in Van-city has come to an end for now.
According to, Rob's attending the Cannes Film Festival, as well as making an appearance on 'Le Grand Journal' on May 19th. I have heard rumors that this is to promote his upcoming flick 'Remember Me' (also sometimes called 'Memoirs') that he hasn't even filmed yet. I don't really know how this stuff works, maybe it is to help get the movie distributed?
'Remember Me' is another Summit Production, which doesn't necessarily make me jump up and down, but I have read an early version of the script and it is amazing. The movie is slated to be released on February 12, 2010. Not to ruin it for anybody, but I think that is a bad idea. It is a very romantic story, but I think that is setting people up to go in with the wrong expectations and leave the theatre upset. This isn't a funny romantic comedy. Rob isn't Matthew McConaughey (thank God). Anyway, I think this movie is a good move for Rob.
Another movie Rob is slated to work on soon is called
'Unbound Captives'. From what I understand it will necessitate Rob wearing pierced ears and long hair all whilst riding a horse bareback. Oh, goodness me. The thought of it makes me giggle. Quite a departure for Rob, but I'm so excited to see him work with big names like Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman! As far as I'm concerned, this is a big deal and I can't wait to see it.
Has anybody seen 'Little Ashes' yet? I'm dying to get a reading on it from anybody I know. I really want to see it, but I'm not sure I'll like it. I love 'Brokeback Mountain', and while I think this has similar subject matter, the moustache and the accents may make it difficult for me not to giggle, which is really not appropriate, considering this is actually a really serious movie. I don't know. Why isn't this playing in Austin yet? We have a huge gay population, not to mention we are a city full of artists. Oh, well. Maybe I'll get to see it eventually.
In other news, the cast and Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Rosenberg all met with the director of Eclipse, David Slade. In case you haven't heard, David got into some hot water with the Twilight community for some not so kind comments he made about 'Twilight' before he had seen the movie. Well, he has
apologized, and I think people need to give him a break. He was just trying to make a funny. Has anyone seen in any of his other movies? I haven't and I'm interested to find out if they are any good.

Anyways, everyone have a great New Moon Monday, and stay tuned for tomorrow's installment on Youtubesday!


Elle Bunny

PS. LOTS of exciting news!!! So much of it, I'm typing like Kanye (but I promise I'm not yelling at you).

According to E Online's Mark Malkin the Trinity of Twilight will be gracing the MTV Movie Awards with the presence. Oh, but there's more!

Check it out: I can exclusively reveal that footage from the Twilight sequel will be shown for the first time during the upcoming MTV Movie Awards,
And that’s not all—it gets better…
Awards show producer Mark Burnett says [Robert Pattinson], Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will hit the stage together to present the clip.
An action packed, minute-long clip from Twilight showing Edward battling badboy bloodsucker James (Cam Gigandet) made its debut at last year’s awards. It was also the first time Pattinson and Stewart walked a red carpet together in support of the movie.

Click here to read the full announcement.

As if that wasn't exciting enough, it has been announced that the New Moon one-sheet
will be released to the press tomorrow. This is basically the movie poster. I CANNOT WAIT!!!

Additional awesome news: Apparently Nikki Reed will not be going to Italy. And the Robsten shippers rejoice. To read more about Nikki's lack of travel plans click here.

I will leave you with a new picture of Bert arriving at the Nice Airport for the Cannes Film Festival.It's an exciting time to be a Twilighter.