There are a lot of things that I know now as I approach my 24th birthday that I didn't know at 18. But I walk through life with the mentality that I am 18 years old. It's only when somebody asks me how old I am that I have to stop and think about it and say "23". So here's my list: some of these things are important life lessons, others are just silly observations.

4) I have the strength to mend my own broken heart.
5) Reading is one of life's greatest pleasures. And guys who read are hot.
6) You look thinner if you have better posture (this is a lesson I'm having to relearn after years of hunching over in class and hunching over my computer at work).
7) Try new things. It can't hurt. I actually like Chinese food now (I didn't when I was 18). One of the best days ever was when I went snorkeling in Grand Cayman on my honeymoon. I was scared as hell (sea creatures scare me), but I jumped in and did it anyway, and loved every minute of it. 8) Incredibly intelligent people are usually tortured souls, so don't feel bad that you aren't one of them. You have more fun that way and you also learn the value of a strong work ethic.
9) In a relationship you may go through times of struggle, but if the two of you could learn to love life in a padded cell as long as you were together, than you should stick it out. What I mean by this is that as long as the relationship is strong and you love each other, all of the external stresses are things which you can get through. 10) When all else fails, dance.
What do you know now that you wish you knew then? If you could sit down with your 18-year-old self, what would you tell her?
Have a great day!
I love it!
You are a wise almost 24 year old Sissy!
Thanks ladies!
You've always been wise beyond your years (in my book), though I'm sorry you've had to learn alot of things through difficult circumstances. I personally consider December 14 one of the most special days of my life - the day you entered my world. Love you and I am so proud of you. Love, Mama
Thanks Pinky!
Have a great birthday! :) You're exactly a year and two days younger than me. December babies are awesome.
Thanks Mandy! Yes, December babies are awesome! Happy Birthday!!!
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