On Sunday night I went to see the amazing Bobby Long and incomparable Marcus Foster in concert. They were both very sweet, easy going guys from England. The boys had just come from TwiCon in Dallas and to be honest, I think they were a bit weary after that experience. But they sounded amazing and were very gracious with the fans. I had so much fun and I am so happy that I finally have my hands on a Bobby Long CD (you can purchase Marcus's EP on iTunes. Bobby has 3 songs available on iTunes).
So we got there super early (I went with some friends from work) and we just kind of hung out and people watched. I was amazed by the array of people there. While I will admit the majority were women, there were actually a good number of men there and the women varied in every way possible. There were three very tall heavily made up girls dressed to the nines who arrived drunk and stayed by the bar the entire time. There were several women that looked to be anywhere from 40-70. There was a married couple that looked like they most likely weren't big fans of Twilight. And there was a boy in his mid twenties that stood by me during the concert wearing an Eddy Izzard shirt (a clear indication that he was not homosexual) and he knew every word of every song by Bobby and Marcus. While I like both of them, there were certainly songs I hadn't heard before. I was impressed. So for those people who say the only reason that Marcus and Bobby and Sam are selling tickets is because they are friends with Rob, I beg to differ.
About an hour after we got there, one of the girls and her boyfriend came back from walking around outside and told us to come out and wait a few minutes. She said that she had heard they would be driving up soon. I pointed out that I didn't think they were big enough for a tour bus, so we were looking for a van or possible a car being driven by someone else to drop them off. Well I didn't see anyone else driving them, but about five minutes after arriving outside I looked across the street and said "Isn't that Bobby?" I would know that floppy hair anywhere. They showed up in a white Prius. So Marcus and him walked up to the bar and went in the door. All of us were so dumbstruck we didn't say anything, we just watched them. They were both much taller than I was expecting. And Marcus was wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shirt (Turtles in a half-shell: Turtle Power!). Anyway, we walked back in about 30 seconds after they had entered the bar through the front door and the guy said that he didn't know it was them and had tried to charge them entry. They just politely said "Oh; but we're playing here." He apologized profusely. I love that they are so unassuming.
Anyway, about an hour later Bobby got up on stage and he played his heart out. Just him and a guitar (and a harmonica on one song). He drank a beer (and one shot of whiskey) and he talked about how he liked Austin and Texas in general. He's planning to come back for SXSW. He did mention something about having just come from "the pits of hell" (referring to Dallas). That was when I decided I was glad that I didn't have the money to go to TwiCon. I think it might have been too much of a good thing. A favorite moment--he played a song called "T is for Texas". It had to do with a girl cheating on him. It was oh so lovely. Another favorite moment--check this out:Well, my camera wasn't working so well (I didn't bring the SLR because it's big and bulky), but here are just a few pictures: 

And the one I'm most proud of:
We all look a little out of it in this picture, but this is me and my friend Laura with Bobby Long. Laura and I both look like we are trying really hard not to blink and Bobby looks sleepy/drunk. But he was super nice. And he signed my CD. I had a really hard time talking to him. I think it must be intimidating to talk to anyone who's just sang that beautifully onstage. Or maybe that's just me.
Anyway, when we went to take a picture with him, another guy he was talking to stepped aside. He looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out who it was. He couldn't be Sam Bradley because he looked too tan and was much shorter than I expected. And he didn't have the curly teddy bear hair (seen here).
But alas, it was Sam Bradley, which Laura and I discovered later when the boyfriend of one of the girls we came with came over to us and we asked him where his girlfriend was and he said "Oh, she's talking to the fourth one". And we were like "What do you mean, the fourth one?" And he was like "I don't know." All of a sudden, it dawned on us that it was Sam. And we went upstairs and I took this picture with him:
(I honestly can't get over how ridiculously pale I am in these pictures. I should sparkle. The should hire me for Eclipse. I'm paler than all the British boys. I think I may need to hit the Mystic Tan soon).
Sam was the nicest (I shouldn't say that because I didn't talk with Marcus personally, but I can't imagine he could be any nicer than Sam). I probably shouldn't say this, but I don't like Sam's music as much as the music of Bobby and Marcus. They play and it's just their voice and a guitar and that's what I love. But Sam was really sweet. He apologized for being sweaty, but he's not used to the heat. We talked about England and then talked about how crazy TwiCon was. I said thanks and that I would see him the next night at his show. He said thank you. He didn't acknowledge the fact that Laura and I had walked passed him twice earlier in the evening without noticing him.
I'm a total granny bitch, though, because even though I said I would attend, I was super tired last night so I skipped his concert. I hope he forgives me. I'm sure he noticed my absence (j/k).
But anyway, I digress. After Bobby, Marcus went onstage. He has a beautiful voice, a bit more nasally, but he can really belt it out. Unfortunately my camera wasn't allowing me to videotape by the time he got onstage, but I will tell you, it was amazing. Here's my picture:
Oh, Marcus. I really love his music. If you haven't heard it, check this out.
And that's all she wrote.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny