The move was made of awesome. A total shoot-em-up, but there is a lot there under the surface. I cried twice (but most people probably wouldn't--I'm a sap). Anyway, here are 5 reasons to see the movie:
1) Johnny Depp.
I'm certainly not the first person to say it, but Johnny is a breathtakingly beautiful man. And thank goodness. This is what the real John Dillinger looked like.
I prefer the Hollywood version any day. Beyond the looks, though, he is so good in this. Watching his face during one of the final scenes (when he watches Manhattan Melodrama) is so incredibly heartbreaking. He brings humanity to a character who, in reality, was a murderer. In my opinion, this is something only the best actors can really pull off (ex: James Gandolfini).

2) Marion Cotillard.
She gives a sensational performance as Billie Frechette, the love of John Dillinger's life.
Their relationship is very believable onscreen and her performance is the one that drove me to tears twice. From what I understand, this is one of her first performances in English and I was quite impressed. And she is one of the few women beautiful enough to make you look away from Johnny when she's onscreen.

3) The supporting cast. Christian Bale is really great in this movie, and whatever your feelings might be on him as a person, you have to admit that he is one of the best actors of our generation (go see American Psycho immediately if you disagree with me). He does a great southern accent, and he looks good in the suits.
Emilie de Ravin also has a minor role in this movie (she plays a hostage in one the Dillinger bank heists). In case you don't recognize the name, that's Claire from "Lost" and Ally from Remember Me. Lucky girl.

But the best supporting actor by a mile was Billy Crudup.
Now I dislike him way more than Christian Bale based on what I know of his personal life (he left Mary Louise Parker when she was pregnant for Claire Danes; Ew!) but he is insanely talented and gives and incredible performance in this movie. He plays J. Edgar Hoover, a hard role to pull off, but he did it with style.
I wouldn't be surprised if he gets nominated for an Oscar.

4) The history. After watching this movie, I felt the need to research every aspect of it. Some of it just seemed impossible to believe. But there are only minor changes based on what I've read (and the minor changes that they made added to the story). My conclusion-all of the men involved were incredibly complicated, interesting characters with giant egos. Dillinger was able to justify stealing money from banks but wouldn't take the money from a "little man" making a withdrawal. Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale's character) seemed to have a kind of awed fascination with Dillinger, and at the same time seemed intimidated by both Hoover and Dillinger. In the end, he is forced into the middle man role, constantly dealing with bureaucracy making it more difficult to do his job at the same time that they pressured him to get the job done. Perhaps the most insane is J. Edgar Hoover, although they didn't necessarily know the extent of it back then. He was obsessed with persecuting individuals like John Dillinger. It has been reported by numerous sources that he was homosexual, and possibly even a crossdresser. I think I might be reading more on each of these men as they are all fascinating.
If you would like to read more on the topic of John Dillinger, check out his FBI page.
5) The fashion.
The suits are beautiful and reflect each character so perfectly. They are perfectly tailored.
Marion's wardrobe is also beautiful. The costume designer deserves an Oscar as well.

5) The fashion.

Go check out the movie! It's great!
Elle Bunny
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