Over the last few months, we've been decorating our new home. Mr. Bunny is actually very involved and interested, and luckily we have very similar taste. I have found that when it comes to decorating, the things I love the most in our home are usually inexpensive and/or little. Don't get me wrong, I also get a kick out of Obamatron (the flat screen television we bought with some of our first-time home buyer credit money) and the more expensive things like our really nice Hotel brand towels (they literally hug you when you get out of the shower) and Pottery Barn bedding
(note how Strut refuses to move from it--this is because it feels like a giant cloud). But the things that make our house feel like a home are much more meaningful than that. Here are some of my favorite items in our home and the stories behind why I love them so much. 1) Guiding Light
I love this lamp. It cost somewhere around $45 and there is never a night that I don't admire it's beauty before turning it off. I bought it with my mom at a furniture store's closing sale.
It's my fave. If I were a lamp, this is how I would want to look. Unfortunately, it was the only one left, so I don't have a matching one for Mr. Bunny's bedside. But we found a complimenting more masculine lamp at Wal-Mart for around $20 which we use on his side.
I think it does a really good job of bringing out the colors in the bedding
and I consider the lamp combo to be my version of Shabby Chic. 2) Writing's on the wall.
In case you can't read it, it says "Once in a While, Right in the Middle of an Ordinary Life, Love Gives You A Fairy Tale." When Mr. Bunny and I were dating, I went on a girls trip to the coast with my friends. I found myself missing him badly on the day we went shopping in Galveston. We walked into a store called the Funky Monkey and I saw this sign. The quote was so sweet and reminded me so much of our relationship that I started tearing up right there. I didn't buy the sign then, but when we came back from our Honeymoon Cruise a couple of years later we ended up in that store and we bought that sign. It means a lot to me--I actually used the quote on our Save the Dates. I like that it hangs over our bedroom door because it always reminds me how lucky I am to have found Mr. Bunny.
3) These three pictures tell a story...
I have never found an individual picture that I liked more than the three of these which hang above our bed. I got these pictures from a book of Alfred Eisenstaedt photographs which I bought at Half Price Books for $9.99. I picked out my three favorite photos that he took in NYC and found these frames at Wal-Mart and paid around $30 altogether for them. I love looking at these photos and wondering what the people were thinking. The one of the woman walking her dog always makes me smile. 4) When you find something you like, why not do it again?
I liked the three picture idea so much, I decided to try it in the guest bedroom. I bought them at Target for around $30 overall. People always comment on how cute they are. 5) Thank you for being a friend.
When I graduated from college, my bff made me this picture. I can't explain why but it just looks like us in every way. When we moved into this house I hung it in the most appropriate place I could think of-in my closet, over my shoe rack. 
She incorporated the words to one of our favorite songs, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." It obviously has many meanings, but my favorite reason is that this is the first song to which we ever tried our Michael McDonald impersonations. The back side of this picture is even more ridiculous, with a picture of Michael McDonald and Karen Carpenter. Love it!
6) A bunny at the door.
Because of our love of bunnies, there are some little bunny touches throughout the house. This is a picture we have in our entryway. I bought it at Hobby Lobby for $9.99. It always makes me giggle.
7) A bunny on the mantle.
Above our mantle, we have this picture (which is from Ikea and was around $80)
I love the picture, but because of it's scale, I didn't want a bunch of clutter on the mantle. Only the littlest items would do.
Mr. Bunny got this for me in Frederickburg, TX. In case you can't tell, it's two bunnies kissing. And I don't think there could be a better gift. Nothing makes me happier than that little figurine.
8) You can call me flower if you want to.
I love plants and flowers. But so far, since we moved into our house, I have killed three plants (with help from Strut). I have a decidedly brown thumb. This floral arrangement (which is fake, naturally) is from Hobby Lobby. I think it was around $35, a bit of a splurge, but I consider it a deal considering it was originally $70. I love the beading around the top of the vase. I love seeing this when I walk through our front door.
9) My cross wall (not to be confused with a crosswalk).
All of these crosses were inexpensive, but the majority of them hold special meaning for us. We bought one of them on our honeymoon in Mexico, one on our first anniversary and one on our second anniversary. One was a wedding present. They all make us happy, and Mr. Bunny recently pointed out to me that they are hung in the shape of a heart. This makes me happy and I am considering the cross wall done for the time-being.
Now for some reason, I'm crazy about bathroom accessories. I love them. Check out some of my favorite items in our guest bathroom.
10) Soap dish.
We bought that soap at a small shop in La Villita in San Antonio. It is Chocolate Mint and smells heavenly. I can't wait to have our next overnight guest, so I can encourage them to use it!
11) Walking in high cotton.
I know it's ridiculous, but this jar of cotton balls just makes me smile. It's the little things, you know? The jar is from Target and cost very little, but it looks exactly like I pictured it.
12) Love.
More important than any of these items, what makes our house a home is love. I'm so lucky to have Mr. Bunny and Strut and all of our friends and family who come by to visit.
Anyway, that's all for now. Let me know if you would like me to blog more about home decor (that rhymed) and I will do a couple more blogs about it.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
Love it! I love all the bunnies! They make me happy!
Thanks! Me too!
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