So poised! And she totally owned David Letterman in that interview. If you didn't have a chance to watch, she talks about her plans to attend college in the states. She always has intelligent, witty things to say and you just can't help but like her.
Besides being level-headed, she's also quite beautiful and classy. She's a fave of Karl Lagerfield, and she always looks fashion forward without looking too trendy.
I love the pics of her from her recent photo shoot with Teen Vogue. Gorgeous!
Just look at these pictures from her with the cast at the recent rainy world premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.The amount of awesome in this picture is killing me. I adore JK Rowling. And I love Emma's dress. Of course, right now she's getting a lot of attention for a wardrobe malfunction at the event. If you haven't seen the picture yet, here it is.
Well, at least she's wearing underwear. This alone puts her heads and shoulders above most Hollywood starlets.
I can't wait for the next movie. I'm sure I won't be anywhere near starting that book in the series, but I always enjoy the movies anyway.
Let's celebrate Emma Watson, Friday's Fun Fearless Female.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
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