It is incredibly hot right now. In my neck of the woods we've had record-breaking temperatures 22 out of the last 26 days. Or something like that (I'm not a meteorologist). The heat brings out the cranky. And I know this doesn't just apply to me; everywhere I turn, there's somebody in a bad mood, whether it's on the phone at work, talking with someone in person, or just casually observing people in line at Subway. There has to be a solution to this epidemic. Here are some of my ideas:
2) Ice Cream. If you're on a diet like me this can be a sore subject, but there's always the glorious Skinny Cow products.
3) Find things to laugh about. Even if they're not really that funny.
Today I laughed off and on for twenty minutes about something I overheard at work. Somebody got a caller who couldn't hear very well, and my coworker had to yell the letters of a word out so that the person on the phone could understand. This person works clear across the center from me, so I honestly have no idea who it was, but all of a sudden I hear someone yelling "No, P as in Papa, the Pope, or Potato." Makes me giggle right now just thinking about it (it might be one of those things you have to be there for. My coworker's delivery was pretty funny).
4) Find a new series and read it. I have finally started reading the Harry Potter books.
I may be 10 years late to the party, but I'm finally there. I'm on the second book and enjoying every minute of it. I can't help but smile when I think about Hagrid. So there are some ideas. If you have any suggestions of ways to get through the dog days of summer sanity intact please share them in the comments section. They are greatly appreciated.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
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