Monday, July 7, 2008

Nicole and Keith had the baby!

I hope a dingo doesn't eat it! Can you imagine how small that baby is? Hopefully they won't lose track of it! Seriously though, I am very happy for both of them and their tiny little Aussie baby. Can't you just see Nicole as a Kanga with her little Roo in a pouch on her tummy? Yeah, me neither. What do you think they will name it? I'm actually betting on something semi-normal/cute. Congrats Keith and Nicole!
UPDATE: They named the baby Sunday Rose Kidman Urban. She weighed 6 lbs 7.5 oz at birth. I don't know how to feel about the name (it isn't Pilot Inspektor but it isn't exactly normal) and I am surprised she weighed so much--Bravo Nicole!

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