Friday, January 30, 2009

Knox and Vivienne Jolie-Pitt are Friday's Fun Fearless Twins!

They're ALIVE!!
I love me some babies, and they don't get much cuter than these two little ducks. People have been wondering where they were-the babies have been in hiding. Well, this week the twin messiahs graced us with an appearance in Tokyo along with the rest of the family. I'm so glad they came out for public viewing because they are so freaking adorable. Angie and Brad, take notes--you shouldn't be keeping these two under wraps. People like you more when you have your cute and cuddly babies around. They don't like you as much when you snub Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet,
or when you're giving Anne Hathaway a bitchface that would stop Anna Wintour in her tracks. Keep the kids around you all the time and you might even win matching Academy Awards. But I have a feeling that if you do bring an Oscar home, Maddox may insist on using it as one of his army men, and Shiloh may throw a fit if you won't let her dress it up like one of her baby dolls.
Everyone have a great weekend!
Elle Bunny

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can we talk about Real Housewives of Orange County for one hot minute?

This show is ridiculous. Do these people know the cameras are on? If they do, they're crazy.

Does anybody else think that Jeana has taken too many happy pills? Nothing phases her. Her sons are so rude. And while Shane is hot, nobody seems that hot when they are mean to their mom.

What the hell is wrong with this woman? Her Kenny Rogers look-alike fiance is literally dying in the hospital, and she's busy getting drunk on tequila and flirting with her friend's son. Gross. I understand she needs a break from it all, and God knows she deserves it, but I honestly doubt that she spends that much time in the hospital because every time I turn around I see her flirting with some guy at the horse races or going to Bass Lake with the family or going to check out gyms to invest in. I don't mean to judge, but I can't help it. And I want to throw up every time she talks about sex or anything sex-related. First off, I certainly don't need to know about you having sex with Jeff in the hospital (no one needs that visual); secondly I don't need to know that because of your apparent lack of sexy-times you need to go shopping for vibrators. Just grow up. I feel sorry for Jeff's kids. This whole thing is just really wrong in my book.
These women are certifiable, and while I understand that she does need to be thinking about these things and that Vicki knows all about everything related to life insurance (otherwise, why would she need to bring her laptop everywhere she goes) but they went about it the complete wrong way. Vicki and Jeana seemed like they were attacking her. It made them seem money hungry. On the other hand, Lynne came out smelling like roses (although her business Cuff Love is ridiculous). I also have to say that I think Lynne's girls must be crazy--drinking and bowling on camera?? Hell to the no--you are 18. If you are going to do that (which you shouldn't) don't be stupid enough to do it on camera. I just kind of hate that whole family; they seem like wet dish rags.
The other ladies certainly do not lack personality, and while many of them grate on my nerves, they're all entertaining in their own way. Jeana with her uppers and sweet daughter; Tamra and her crazy attempts at staying young, horrible annoying son, and likable husband; Gretchen and her ridiculous stripper parties and funny laugh; and Vicki with her constant woo-hooing, trips without her husband, and falling. I live to see Vicki fall. She bothers me and maybe I'm a bad person, but I laugh and hit rewind when she falls/gets hit in the head with a football. She's annoying and self righteous, so I figure that's karma.
To get another sane person's opinion on the situation in California, head over to NY State of Mind, which is the blog of Bethenny, a NY Housewife. She and Jill are my favorites, and I can't wait for the NY season to start up again. They just seem so much classier and interesting than all the other Real Housewives.
Let me know what you think!
Elle Bunny

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday: Good Friends, Fun Games

As I alluded to in my last post, this weekend was my best friend Meredith's birthday party. It was fun to hang out with friends, drink and play board games. I seriously enjoy board games and love discovering new games like Balderdash (which has been around forever, but is new to me). Here are some of the pictures I took that night.

This is Jenny with Meredith, the birthday girl. Jenny and Meredith work together. Jenny gave Meredith a very special Christmas gift.

This is Little Bastard (Lil Bastard?). Jenny found him at Goodwill and instantly thought of Meredith, which should say something about how unique my best friend is. She bought him for 99 cents. Unfortunately, Lil Bastard is made out of some very non-durable material, because by the end of the night he had lost the majority of his right leg.

Here is Mary with Meredith. She also works with Mer (you might recognize her from the infamous Take on Me!!! video) and is very funny and sweet.

Here's my favorite picture of the night. Jenny and Mary are throwing gang signs as they rap along to the ridiculous burned cd they brought. Meredith's face cracks me up.

This is Lindsey. I have been friends with her forever. She was one of my bridesmaids. She is one the kindest people I know. She's also one of the funniest people I know, and you can probably understand why when you look at this next picture.This is Lindsey's "I am Cornholio" impression. She's done it ever since we were in high school. I'm not really sure why she started doing it, but it never fails to make me giggle because it doesn't really seem like something Lindsey would do. She is too funny. This is Lindsey with her husband Troy. They've been married for 4 and a half years. Lindsey and Troy met when our other friend Rachel turned 17. We went to a Kenny Chesney concert to celebrate and Lindsey got stars in her eyes when she met a cute soldier who had come down to the concert from Fort Hood with his Army buddies. They've been an item ever since. They are so cute and one of our favorite couples to hang out with; Troy and Mr. Bunny get along so well and Lindsey and I can always pick up where we left off. Here are all of the McNeil High School alumni that attended the party--Meredith, Mary, me, Lindsey and Michael. Does it smell like teen spirit? Oh my goodness. Michael was an escort for the dance/drill team we participated in during high school. He is another one of the funniest people I know. He's also a bit of ham (see example: him posing in the background of this photo). But one of my favorite people ever. Michael and I share a mutual passion for grammar, spelling and punctuation (which you might not always guess I felt so passionately about by reading this blog; but I promise you, I try my hardest not to make too many errors). He has a quick wit, great hair, and he is an excellent Balderdash and Catch Phrase player. Michael strikes a pose with Mr. Bunny, seen here giving his rapist face. I first noticed his rapist expression when he got a driver's license photo taken where he looked just like he does above. I remarked that he looked like a scary rapist. My sister Meredith and I giggled about it, and became a joke for Mr. Bunny to give her that face all the time. He looked at Meredith that way when she walked down the aisle at my wedding. Recently, when I was a bridesmaid in a wedding, he went around to all the tables and picked up the disposable cameras, taking pictures of his rapist face. He cracks me up. Here's a lovely photo of Mary, Meredith, Lil Bastard and Mr. Bunny. Candidates for America's Next Top Model- Mary and Michael. I don't know what the hell kind of face I'm making in this photo. It makes me giggle, though. Balderdash drama faces. Smiley Jenny. Michael cracks up. Mer poses with Lil Bastard. Thanks for bringing us together for your wonderful birthday party, Mer! You know I love you more than my luggage!
Have a great day!

Elle Bunny

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Duggars do not have Dinomania*

You might remember some of my feelings on the Duggars if you read my first post about them back in October, Michelle Duggar = bat shit crazy or heavily medicated? In that post I specifically discussed the engagement of Josh Duggar and Anna Kellar. Well they finally showed the wedding on Sunday on TLC, and I think Mer called and/or texted me 4 times about it. I was celebrating my Daddy's birthday that night (happy B-Day Captain!) but thankfully I had DVRd the blessed event.This is seriously must-watch television. I don't think I have been that entertained by anything on TV since Sophia Petrillo sang her diddy about Medicare.
So lets talk about it.
First of all, I thought the little pre-show about the preparation of the wedding was kind of cute even if it was a little annoying. I felt really bad for Anna when I saw her home. It makes me feel better knowing that now she lives in the old Duggar home in Arkansas now. But the whole chaperone thing is just so lame. I love that they assign Josh's sisters to chaperone-the parents are too busy having sex all the time to chaperone anything.
I also have to say that I feel incredibly dirty watching Josh and Anna hold hands. They hold hands and it's like I just watched a really gross drunken make out session between my friend and her boyfriend. I just want to go home and take a shower and erase the image from my brain. Josh and Anna probably hold hands while they brush their teeth (or is that against the rules? Are you not allowed to watch your loved one brush their teeth because the hotness of watching them spit out Crest awakens impure thoughts?).
Anyway, here are my top five memorable moments from the awesomeness that was "A Very Duggar Wedding" (and the episode preceding it).
5) That crazy ass waiter at the "fancy" Italian restaurant. Offering to come and perform tantric dance at a Duggar wedding is made of so much win, it can't be covered in this blog. I also love how Josh described how the Duggars rarely go out to such a nice restaurant, where they "have real glass and silverware and plates." WTF? Sounds like Anna has a lot to look forward to this Valentine's Day.
4) Josh stepping on Anna's dress. The train came off the back of the dress and one the 15 Duggar girls sewed it on in a jiffy and saved the day. That's what happens when you see your husband before the wedding on the day of the wedding. It's bad luck. Don't do it. I can't believe they did everything else SO Uber-traditional and couldn't wait to see each other the day of the wedding because it didn't take place until 6 or 7 in the evening. You've waited this long to kiss. Is it really that important to see each other so you can give each other side hugs and hold hands? I'm certainly not a Duggar, but I'm kind of a traditionalist when it comes to weddings, and waited to see Mr. Bunny until I was walking down the aisle. I'm so glad I waited, because this was the look on his face. How cute is that?
3) Awkward man to man talk between Jim Bob and Josh. The book and cd cracked me up and I just couldn't get over the fact that this is the first time they've talked about "the birds and the bees". Like, I know that they are super conservative, but wouldn't the kids have figured some of this stuff out considering their parents have 18 kids? I also thoroughly enjoyed how Jim Bob described sex as being "like Legos." I think we know why Michelle can't resist the man; he's such a romantic! Swoon.
2) Anna's hair. All of the girls' hair. We need an intervention. Someone needs to talk to them about the dangers of hair spray and home perms. But couldn't Anna have straightened her hair for the wedding at least? Or maybe she could have gone crazy and put her hair all the way up? I must have missed the passage in the Bible stating that women must wear their hair half up.
1) The entire last five minutes of the show were pure genius. The vows were really creepy and they had all this stuff about how they would have as many children as God intended and wouldn't interfere with nature. Do they really need to talk about that in church? Gross. I haven't heard anything about them being pregnant yet, but I'm sure it's coming.
Okay, sidebar:here's the thing--at least one of the Duggars will most likely have a fertility problem--purely based on statistics; 12 percent of women have problems getting pregnant; with 18 children all getting married and trying to have kids, chances are, at least one of them would have problems. I wonder if their vow not to mess with what God intended extends to that as well? Just out of curiosity, I wonder if they think that people who use fertility treatments to get pregnant (like that hooker Kate Gosselin) are sinners; and furthermore, if they would feel that way if they themselves could not have kids. I myself think there is nothing wrong with fertility treatments, but then again, I'm a sinner who believes in birth control. Getting off soapbox now.
I nearly died when Josh sang the Loyalty song to her. I mean, don't get me wrong, I thought it was sweet and kind of Uncle Jesse of him to sing to his wife at the wedding (although I think I would have vomited if the idea had been brought up for my own wedding) but he can't sing. And that song stinks. Then, Jim Bob and Michelle and Anna's parents (who I'm sorry, are just gross and make Jim Bob and Michelle look like the Cleavers) get up on the stage and surround the couple. Jim Bob takes the microphone and talks about how Anna and Josh have never kissed and have stayed pure. Then he is the one who says "Josh, you may kiss your bride."
Okay, I'm going to pull a Zack Morris and say "Time Out!" WTF? The preacher wasn't sufficient? Your Dad had to give your permission? I'm sufficiently grossed out now and I haven't even seen you two kiss.
So then, they kiss. And it's not a bad kiss-it's not a peck. I mean, you don't see tongue or anything (thank God) but it was a nice kiss. Then they went to the reception where there is "No booze, no dancing*, just a good time". Um....that doesn't sound like a good time to me. That's the best part of the reception. The dancing and the drinking. Preferably open bar, but I'm not mad at you if you can't afford it--but for the love of God, have a cash bar. Now, my whole family is Baptist (in fact, I consider myself to be a Baptist) and I went to Baylor my freshman year of college, so trust me, I've heard my fair share about the evils of dancing and drinking. And here is what I have to say about that:
"Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with tambourine and harp." -- Psalm 149:3
"You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate,that he may bring forth food from the earth and wine to gladden the heart of man,oil to make his face shine and bread to strengthen man's heart." --Psalm 104:14-15
Sounds like Jesus is still my Homeboy even if I drink. He just doesn't want me to get wasted, and I have to agree with him on that.
Anywho,they eat their chicken salad sandwiches and make their way back to the hotel. The camera crew captures them going through the hotel doors after they pull up in the car which the family had decorated/demolished. They act like cousin Amy is such a sinner--I would have drawn penises and boobs all over that car. Speaking of penises and boobs, when Josh and Anna pulled up in the car, they were listening to the how to have sex cd. LOL.
So, in closing, this man
is no longer a virgin.
I wonder how his parents feel about that?
Me and Mer have decided to send in a show idea to TLC-have normal people like us come stay with the Duggars for the weekend. We can corrupt the kids with tales of shopping for brand-new items (we don't buy used and save the rest like the Duggars; I think between the two of us, we could feed a small country with our shoe budget) and they can teach us how to make Tater-Tot Casserole. It sounds like a winning formula to me.
*So over the weekend, at Mer's birthday party we played a game called Balderdash. If you haven't played it, you have to come up with a legitimate sounding definition for different rare words. Well, the first rare word we got was Dinomania. And Dinomania is defined as an urge to dance. This is my new favorite word, and I would definitely say that I consistently have dinomania. Unfortunately, the Duggars do not have Dinomania. This makes me sad for them.
But at least Josh and Anna are having sex.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Favorite Things Monday: Website

Today I will highlight a website that has brought me endless hours of entertainment. Jezebel is such an awesome site. There are several things that make Jezebel so great-the first being an intelligent staff who post about interesting and funny things. But the thing that really makes Jezebel work is the comments. I can guarantee you that you will never click on a post there and have the first five comments read "First!". This is a good thing, especially when many of the sites I read (which admittedly, are gossip blogs, so I should expect it) have readers who compete for the dunce cap for ultimate in inane Internet behavior. Jezebel readers (for the most part) are intelligent, opinionated, fun women (there are a couple of men) with a razor sharp wit and biting sense of humor. Everyday, the Jezebel team acknowledges the best comment of the day and calls out the worst comment of the day.
For example, in response to the post
here are the best comments of the day and Jezebel's response to them.
Too funny. You can read my thoughts on Drew's 'Do here.
So I guess what I'm saying is, you should check out Jezebel if you haven't already.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny

Friday, January 23, 2009

Michael McDonald is Friday's Fun Fearless MALE!

I think it has been established that I love me some Michael McDonald.

My best friend Mer also loves Michael McDonald. It is one of the many things we have in common. I love that we sing Michael McDonald songs together. I love that she gave me a Michael McDonald Christmas ornament that she decoupaged herself. Wednesday was her birthday and we had fun going out to dinner and doing Michael McDonald impressions. So in honor of her birthday, Michael McDonald is today's Fun Fearless Male.

Our love for Michael McDonald is one of those things unique things about our friendship-like our love for Karen Carpenter or our unfortunate inability to whistle.

Michael was born in St Louis, Mo is 1952. In his early career he worked with Steely Dan and the dubious Doobie Brothers. Then he went out and had a very successful solo career singing blue-eyed soul and performing in commercials for long-distance phone service. Our hero is the original regulator! He has been married to singer Amy Holland since 1983. M squared lives in Tennessee with his family. Have I mentioned that we are friends with the original Eminem's daughter on MySpace? Her name is Scarlet and she's awesome. I admit, it IS a little stalkerish that we befriended her on Myspace, but she could have denied us if she wanted to.

Anywho, Meredith called me yesterday to let me know that her friend's boyfriend knows Michael Mcdonald and has his telephone number. I nearly died. We've got to call him and do our impressions for him! I'm sure he would be honored.

Let's give it up for Michael McDonald, Friday's Fun Fearless Male!

Have a great weekend!


Elle Bunny

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm going to paint my front door red and change my name to Elizabeth Arden!

Has anybody else noticed that there have been a lot of fashion faux pas as of late? It seems like every time I turn on E!, some celebrity has gone out with bad hair, a bad dress, bad undergarments (which can ruin an outfit) or bad accessories (to continue the theme, I'll just go ahead and say it: The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize). Maybe they are just trying to get attention/press? They are performers--by definition, they seek out an audience. So today, I will be that audience--I'll be doing my best Fug girl impression and give my thoughts on some of the looks that celebrities have been rocking recently.

Good God, woman! You are so tall and skinny and beautiful and you're walking around with Brad Pitt. Why do you insist on wearing your hair on the side of your head like some kind of half-assed homage to Princess Leia? And the suit is a little too granny if you ask me. She's much younger than Brad, but she's making herself look about 15 years too old for him with this look. Next!

This is what I was talking about with the whole undergarments thing. I love Marisa Tomei, but can't she afford a good bra? I mean, I know she probably didn't get paid much to play a stripper in The Wrestler, but the residual checks from My Cousin Vinny must be pretty nice.

Words of advice: Push-up bra. Lift and separate. Give it a try!

By now you probably know my feelings on Katie Holmes and her ill-fated attempts to recapture her youth and/or start a trend (if not, read this). And while I appreciate the awesomeness of her Blue Steel pose, I will never condone wearing shorts with a scarf and/or stirruped tights. It's just not kosher.

As if I didn't already have enough reasons to hate Miley, she came out of the house looking like this. Perhaps she is taking style tips from Katie, but trying to funk them up like the hip teenager she is? Everything is wrong here-hate the color of the boots, hate the look of the boot, hate the holey tights, hate her shirt, hate the skirt, hate her scraggly hair. And I can honestly say that if somebody else who didn't annoy me as much wore the same thing I would feel the same way. Oh, Renee. This could have been great. I love it from the knee down! But goodness gracious. That hair. The yucky see-through bodice and bad neckline. The too-tight top of the skirt. This was a bad idea. Go back to the boring beige Caroline Herrera dresses.

Drew, you know I love you more than my luggage! But that hair-do is a definite don't. I really like your dress, but this whole look is just a little too cotton candy and hairspray for me. Take it from a Texas Girl, the higher your hair is, the closer God comes to blaming you for the hole in the ozone layer. Oh, and by the way...

Turn to your buddy Cameron and tell her "Get your roots done!" Then turn around and tell Jay-Z and Beyonce to pretend like they aren't bored to tears. Thanks Josie Grossie!

I'd rather walk on my lips than talk bad about somebody, but this is a bad look for Anne Hathaway. She's such a beautiful girl; one of Friday's Fun Fearless females and a very talented actress. I think she would benefit from learning what Mr. Bunny calls the KISS theory-KISS stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid. That's all you have to do Anne.

Carrie couldn't look more like Barbie if she tried. Her extensions look like they came from the Jessica Simpson collection, which I'm assuming wasn't the look she was going for since they seem to hate each other because of stupid Tony Romo. But I digress-you're beautiful Carrie. Don't try so hard.

Now we enter the gold lamé portion of the blog.

They should really change the name of the material to lame. That little accent mark is so freaking pretentious, and lame is a much better word for this. I have a severe reaction to this dress. I think I got hives the first time I saw it. It's just so tacky. It reminds me of something a performer on a cruise would wear. And the neckline seems desperate, not sexy. But JLo always gives good face, so her makeup and hair looked fierce, even if the hair is a little severe. Oh, Glenn. Shopping in the MOB section again, I see. I've never forgiven you for boiling that bunny in Fatal Attraction. This just gives me another reason to dislike you.

Now don't go thinking I forgot about the fellas. They are some of the most horrifying offenders. My goodness. This is really bad. I hate mullets. They look so ridiculous and dated and make men look much older than they are. This is not a good look for Kanye. I'm not even going to comment on the leather gloves.
Joaquin Phoenix: This is your second time appearing on my blog in less than a week. You look more like a homeless person than the homeless people I pass every day on my way to work. Please, take some time off and go relax away from the cameras for awhile. Get your head on straight. And cut the beard.

That is all for now.

What do you think? What do you think were the worst fashion faux pas of the last couple of months?

And I'll give you bonus points if you can name the movie that I've quoted a billion times in this blog rant!

Have a great day!


Elle Bunny