I really do miss them. Yesterday, at dinner, we were talking about all these shows and how great they were. They were clever--they didn't talk down to the audience just because we were kids. Okay, maybe they were a little cheesy, but this was good television-and in my opinion, they were much better shows than ones that are popular today (cough, cough, Hannah Montana, cough). Hopefully this brings back as many memories for you as it does for me.
Oh my goodness. Words cannot express how much I loved this show. My sister Meredith and I used to play "Hey Dude" for hours when were little. This consisted of pretending to serve people on our patio, pretending to lead people to their rooms after pretending to get them checked in, pretending to ride horses, and pretending that we were Melody teaching kids how to swim in the pool.
Meredith told us yesterday that she recently discovered a diary in which she wrote everyday for two years. The problem was, she didn't really have anything all that interesting going on at that age, so the pages are all filled with "I Hate Jenny" (a brat in her class), "I love Bobby" (a boy in her class that she could only admit that she had a crush on in her diary), and "I love Ted!" She was of course referring to that hot hunk of man meat with the mullet in the above video. This show also influenced my feelings that Brad is a perfectly normal name for a girl.
I remember next to nothing about "Welcome, Freshmen" except for the fact that they had a fountain at the school that they all used to sit on and I thought that was awesome.
"Fifteen" was a show full of teen angst, as any show about fifteen year olds should be. The two things I remember about it: on the breaks they always used to show a lot of Teen Spirit commercials (remember the deodorant?) AND Salt and Pepa guest starred on one episode!
This show used to scare the Bejesus out of me. It was awesome--it always made me want to sit around a campfire with my friends telling ghost stories. The kids were very dramatic (to the point of being ridiculous), but it was a great show.
"Clarissa Explains it All" was an amazing show. Talk about not dumbing it down for the kids. Clarissa was the smartest person on that show, and she was like 13. Ferguson grossed me out, but I had a Mega-crush on Sam, the best friend (maybe this is where my yearning for a heterosexual male best friend started). I had a horrible physics teacher in high school named Jamie Shore that was Ferguson 20 years down the line. I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about him today.
"Salute your Shorts" was really funny and had an awesome theme song. I couldn't find an unaltered clip of it, so here it is with some dumb guy inserting his annoying, albeit cute mug at certain points.
I loved the show Doug. I can't think of one thing about this show that wasn't perfection. How I longed to be like Patty Mayonnaise and have a Doug to love with me. He was just so sweet in the way he crushed on her, not at all like the freaks who liked me in middle and high school.
Well, I finally found my Doug, it just took me awhile. Mr. Bunny is definitely the Doug to my Patty Mayonnaise--and today is his birthday. Happy Birthday, Mr. Bunny! Thanks for being born! The world is a better place with you in it.
Have a great day everyone!
Elle Bunny