Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm 50!

So, in honor of the fact that this is my 50th post, I have decided to post a survey of 50 Questions that I filled out, along with 50 fun facts from Hooked on The survey is a little ridiculous--it's meant for the kiddies on myspace, but hopefully it is entertaining enough.
50 Questions!

1) brand of deoderant?: Dove
2) store at the mall?: Kirklands
3) music store?: iTunes
4) buffet restaurant?: Pizza Hut? I can't remember the last buffet I went to.
5) year of school? [K - 12]: 4th grade was awesome
6) superhero?: Batman
7) animated movie?: Little Mermaid
8) dinosaur?: Brontosaurus
9) kind of Axe?: I don't know--is this that cologne? These kids today.
10) villain?: Ursula from the Little Mermaid
11) Disney movie?: The Little Mermaid (I know, repetitive)
12) choose your death:: In my sleep at home
13) do you like vampires?: Love them
14) vampires or werewolves?: Team Edward--Vampires
15) are you superstitious?: Very
16) Capri suns or Kool aid?: Kool aid
17) mechanical pencils or regular?: Regular
18) what food could you get fat off and not care?: Fried anything
19) do you have any different colored light bulbs?: No
Would You Rather
20) lick 1000 telephone booths or 100 public toilets?: 1000 Telephone booths--they might smell better
21) run 100 miles or walk 1000?: Walk. I only run if I'm being chased.
22) be a midget or a giant?: I guess midget. There goes my friendship with Rachel
23) look like Jaba the Hutt or Jar Jar Binks?: Jar Jar Binks
24) live in a world of Legos or Barbie dolls?: Barbie Dolls!!!
25) marry Tom Cruise or Richard Simmons?: Tom Cruise--Richard yells a lot and that grates on my nerves
26) marry Rosie O' Donnell or Rosanne Bar?: Roseanne Barr--she's mellowed a little bit in the last few years
27) eat cow intestines or eyeballs?: cow intestines
28) have your shoes on or off for your whole life?: on
29) dye your hair sewage green or mustard yellow?: mustard yellow
30) listen to country music or techno?: country music
31) break your computer or iPod/mp3?: iPod--it's already broken
32) forget your lines onstage or fall down onstage?: Forget my lines--at least I can smile then
33) your upper body be paralyzed or your lower body?: lower body-expressions are important and I wouldn't want to have somebody feed me
34) listen to rap/rock: Rock music
35) eat sushi or es car go?: Escargot
36) listen to a siren for an hour or a baby cry?: Baby cry
37) down a whole bottle of Tang or a havanero pepper?: Tang all the way.
38) be a drug addict or an alcoholic?: Alcoholic.
39) die of extreme heat or extreme cold?: Extreme heat--I don't do well with cold--my teeth start to chatter at 68 degrees
More Randomness!
40) Do you like to draw?: No--I'm terrible at it.
41) How 'bout color and/or paint?: Love to!
42) What's your favorite kind of sunglasses?: Chanel--not that I can afford the real ones!
43) Guitar Hero or Rockband?: Both!
44) Do you like Sonic's white coconut slushes?: Nope
45) Who's THE hottest celebrity?: Johnny Depp
46) Do you like to make mix CDs?: Yup
47) Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?: Really? I guess Star Wars since I've actually seen some of those
48) The Peanuts or The Muppets?: MUPPETS!!
49) Do you buy censored or uncensored music?: Uncensored--wow, this survey must be for people in high school.
50) Do you think Hot Topic is scary?: Not really, but I get a lot of looks when I go there to buy t-shirts for my brother-in-law because I'm usually dressed in pink.
Random Fun Facts
1) Avocados are poisonous to birds.
2) The number of births that occur in India each year is higher than the entire population of Australia.
3) Dentists in medieval Japan extracted teeth by pulling them out with their fingers.
4) Reno, Nevada is actually west of Los Angeles, California.
5) An honor? Recently, George W. Bush had a slime-mold beetle named after him.
6) The height of a bowling pin is equal to its circumference.
7) It would take twenty new mid-size cars to generate the same amount of pollution that a mid-size 1960's car did.
8) Kittens are born both blind and deaf.
9) The lifespan of the common goldfish is over 20 years!
10) During menstruation, the sensitivity of a woman's middle finger is reduced.
11) In Idaho, it is illegal to give someone a box of candy that weighs more than 50 pounds!
12) Paper money is not made from wood pulp but from cotton. This means that it will not disintegrate as fast if it is put in the laundry.
13) Mushrooms are more closely related to humans and animals than to other plants!
14) More people have seen David Copperfield perform live than any other performer in the world.
15) There are no penguins in the North Pole.
16) Lenny Kravitz's mother played the part of 'Helen' on 'The Jeffersons'.
17) The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.
18) A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate.
19) The city of Las Vegas has the most hotel rooms in the world.
20) Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day.
21) One in 500 humans has one blue eye and one brown eye.
22) The United States has the highest minimum drinking age in the world.
23) In an average hour, there are over 61,000 Americans airborne over the United States.
24) In New York City, approximately 1,600 people are bitten by other humans every year.
25) On average, the life span of an American dollar bill is eighteen months.
26) The state sport of Maryland is Jousting.
27) Rudyard Kipling refused to write with anything other than black ink.
28) Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
29) Racehorses can wear out new horse shoes in one race.
30) No high jumper has ever been able to stay off the ground for more than one second.
31) 97% of all paper money in the US contains traces of cocaine.
32) The average person can live for eleven days without water, assuming an average temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
33) The leading cause of poisoning for children under the age of six in the home is liquid dish soap.
34) The placement of a donkey's eyes in its' heads enables it to see all four feet at all times.
35) One quarter of the human brain is used to control the eyes.
36) Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in dim light or are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream.
37) The oldest pig in the world lived to the age of 68.
38) People who are lying to you tend to look up and to the left (their left).
39) You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening!
40) You inhale about 700,000 of your own skin flakes each day.
41) A cubic mile of ordinary fog contains less than a gallon of water.
42) In Spain, it is common to pour chocolate milk on cereal for breakfast.
43) 'Bimbo' is a brand of soft drink manufactured and marketed by Coca-Cola, Inc.
44) The state of Wyoming is named after a valley in Pennsylvania.
45) Pumpkin rule of thumb: the darker the shell, the longer the pumpkin lasts.
46) A toaster uses almost half as much energy as a full-sized oven.
47) Originally, BMW was an airplane engine manufacturer.
48) Malaysians protect their babies from disease by bathing them in beer.
49) 85% of men don't use the slit in their underwear.
50) It is illegal to be a prostitute in Siena, Italy, if your name is Mary.

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