Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Even more nostalgia: I miss epic videos!

I know, I know, I'm awfully nostalgic for a 23-year-old. But I really miss when they actually showed videos on MTV. And they were good videos, like this one.

I love that they have a wedding in a church in the middle of the desert and no explanation for how anyone got there (i.e., no cars). There is nothing better than the awesomely awful bridal gown that Stephanie Seymour is wearing in this video. And it is so bad ass when Slash leaves the church and goes out and plays his ridiculously indulgent guitar solo.

I miss the indulgence of the 80s and 90s. I miss videos like this:

Now it may not be my favorite cup of tea, but I like it every now and then. There is something so refreshing about the unabashed indulgence of these videos. They were completely secure in the fact that they were acting ridiculous and spending ridiculous amounts of money for a 6 minute video (which is really long for a video, but still, 6 minutes?)

Now, the money and time it would take to create that video would be going to waste because nobody would see the video--they might see a clip of it as the credits roll on Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. The point at which the entire network jumped the shark was when they started only playing portions of videos on TRL.

What has our world come to?

I want MY MTV!

And I refuse to watch it until some changes are made!

By MY MTV, I mean this:

1) Videos. Lots of them. At least 12 hours a day of videos. MTV does stand for Music Television, right?

2) A limit of 3 reality shows on your program schedule at all times.

3) Instead of marathons of America's Best Dance Crew or Engaged and Underage, how about you bring back the 80s weekends? They were so awesome-all you did was show videos and programming from the 80s. Now you could even do it with the 90s.

4) Try bringing some people of substance on your shows. Remember Tabitha Soren? How about Pedro Zamora? Do you think either of them would have had a chance on MTV in 2008?

5) No more Real World/Road Rules Challenges--force those lazy bitches to get a job!

I think that pretty much sums it up. It wouldn't be that difficult, and while I'm sure you might lose some of you 15-year-old audience, do you really want that to be your only audience? I always thought it was funny that when I was in college, nobody watched MTV-when I was young and dreamed about going to college, I always thought that was all we would be watching. I remember my friend Amy laughing at her boyfriend when she went over to his house and found him watching the Spring Break coverage. It is seen as too juvenile to be watched by college students, who are the ones being shown in the Spring Break coverage.

Do you agree? I know I can't be the only person who feels this way.

Enjoy the ridiculousity of these epic videos!


Elle Bunny

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