So did anyone watch the Grammy's last night? I watched it with my family, and although I liked a lot of the winners and they can be found on my iPod, I thought it was pretty boring.
Speaking of which, this video made me giggle:
I specifically pointed out that stuffed animal to Mr Bunny, as I, too, thought it was rather odd. But as soon as I did, they stopped showing it and the performance was over. I was left thinking it was a hallucination. But I'm not clever enough to have connected the dots--I am sure now that Paul McCartney is Team Jacob all the way.
Speaking of Team Failcob, I'm going through major RPattz withdrawals. Now I should be doing better by now, because he was photographed out on the town in London with Tom Stud
at a Vogue party
(look at his hair; it looks really bad but it's getting longer!) and out the next night partying with women wearing fur coats
and looking devious with Tom Stud in the candy aisle.
And I'm amused. These pictures make me smile. But it doesn't matter. I feel disconnected; I need to hear him speak. Thank God for YouTube. Here are a few of my favorite Rob videos--it's okay if you don't watch them, their really just here so I can find them easily and watch them when I'm feeling in need of some Rob (but you really should watch them...he's so endearing).
Here he is wishing his dog Patty Happy Valentine's Day.
How cute is that? By the way, this is what his dog Patty looks like.Rob never ceases to make me giggle.
Here is Rob answering questions backstage at Ellen.
There are no words. The following are two Best Rob Moments videos. They amuse me.
Thanks for indulging my Robsesssion.
Have a great day and check out Sporcle!
Elle Bunny
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