Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why is it so funny when celebrities freak out?

Recently, a tape leaked of Christian Bale going off on a Director of Photography on the set of Terminator: Salvation. You can hear it on TMZ if you haven't already. Anyway, it got me thinking. Most of the time, I kind of like a celebrity more after they do something like this. It makes me laugh. Or, in a case like Julia Roberts (who recently went off on photographers following her and her children) it makes me feel sorry for them and glad that I don't have their life.

What is it about the celebrity freak out that we find so humorous? I think it's that these creatures who we look up to, talk about constantly, watch on television/stage/the movie screen are finally brought down to our level and we seem them as fallible human beings. I do feel bad for them because we've all had our freak out moments but most of us aren't unfortunate enough to be in front of a camera at the time. I don't feel that bad for them, though, because they make a lot more money than me, and well, they should probably be a little happier because of that.

Oh, well. The best part of the celebrity freak out is the remix.

Here's the remix of the Christian Bale Freak Out (be forewarned: he drops a lot of F-Bombs).

My all-time favorite freak out, Bill O'Reilly.

And Patti LuPone goes off on a couple of theatre-goers taking pictures. Awesomeness!

I take it back, this is my real favorite freak out of all time, Jesse Spano....She's so...scared!

Have a great day everyone, and take a chill pill!


Elle Bunny

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