Monday, February 16, 2009

My Favorite Things Monday: YouTube Video

This video is just epic. Anytime you get vampires and a dance number in the same video, I will be a happy girl. This video is pretty amazing for many reasons:

1) The cafeteria seriously looks exactly like the cafeteria in the movie. I honestly wonder if they went to the same school to film it.

2) The acting was on par with that seen it the movie.

3) So many of the actors looked so much like the actors in the real movie (especially Jasper-look-alike, Rosalie-look-alike and Bella-look-alike).

4) These kids can really dance.

5) This video seems to have had a bigger budget than Twilight. Just saying.

It's awesome. I had to share. Even if you aren't a huge Twilighter, I think you will enjoy this video so check it out!


Elle Bunny

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