Monday, July 20, 2009

Listen to This: My Current Playlist

Don't you just love music? I love buying new music and listening to it over and over until I know every word. I love listening to old song that bring back good memories. I love listening to music in general. Here are some of the songs that are getting a lot of play on my iPod right now.
1) "Old Enough" by The Raconteurs featuring Ricky Skaggs and Ashley Monroe.
Love this. Jack White is such a weirdo but I totally love him. I love that he uses his status as a "rock star" to bring attention to bluegrass and country music and great musicians like Ricky Skaggs and Loretta Lynn. I'm sure there are some people who have been introduced to these wonderful genres because of him and that's an awesome thing.
2) "Fans" by Kings of Leon

They are just amazing. One of my favorite bands. I must see them play soon. Nothing like a family band. This is one of my favorite songs by them.
3) "King of the Rodeo" by Kings of Leon

I love this song so much it hurts. If you like it as much as I do, you should check out the actual music video
here. It's made of awesome, but unfortunately, it's not embeddable.
4) "Farewell" by Rosie Thomas

This song kills me. So beautiful and heartbreaking. Her voice has so much depth. Lovely.
5) "Blue Ridge Mountains" by Fleet Foxes

My happy music. So good. The harmonies are amazing and the song just sounds timeless; it kind of reminds me of Bread or the Allman Bros. Listen to this whole video if you have time, but if not, skip to 2:34 to listen to the song.
6) "Jackie Wilson Said" by Van Morrison

More happy music. It just doesn't get much better than Van Morrison. By far the best music in the world to dance to.
What are you listening to right now? I love discovering new music, and there's no better way to discover a new artist than a recommendation from a friend or blog reader.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny

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