Monday, March 23, 2009

First Official New Moon Monday!

After this weekend, I feel like it is officially time to start looking forward to New Moon. It is only about eight months away. And it has started filming. And this weekend, the Twilight DVD came out. So in honor of this new era, I will often be using my Mondays to discuss all things New Moon and Twilight-Saga related. But first, I will discuss the Twilight DVD.
I got the DVD at Target on Saturday morning, and from my Livejournal research, it seems like that was the best one out there. I didn't want to go to a midnight release party because I'm a granny and I knew I wouldn't stay up to watch it that night. I was glad to read that Kristen, Rob and Taylor weren't forced to attend any of these midnight release parties, either, because really, haven't they been through enough? What with the Hot Topic mobbings and Summit recently sending Rob to Wal-Mart headquarters in Arkansas, I'm just glad that they didn't send them out because I fear one of them might have been killed in a mobbing. For those who don't know, there are several different editions of this thing already. The Target Twilight DVD has three DVDs, which include loads of extended and deleted scenes, music videos, talks with the casts, special vampire kiss montages, and Bert playing some piano. Apparently, I'm not the only one who is obsessed, because the movie sold 3 million copies on Saturday. That's pretty awesome.

So here are my top 5 reasons to buy the DVD:

5) The Bella's Lullaby Remix and the Vampire Kiss Montage. Both are super cheesy. The Lullaby Remix features footage from the original bedroom kissing scene which was nixed by SMeyer for being too hot. And it is. The Vampire Kiss Montage is just ridiculous and kind of hot but really scary and overall makes me glad that Chris Weitz is directing New Moon.
4) The Extended scenes. I love seeing anything extra that didn't quite make it into the movie. I have to say, that after watching these scenes, I'm not sure why they cut the extra parts out.
3) The Deleted Scenes. They are made of awesome. Makes me wonder why they were deleted. And again, makes me glad that Chris Weitz is directing New Moon.
2) Edward's piano scene. Rob improvising his version of Bella's Lullaby on the piano. It's amazing and makes me sad that they didn't use it, because that just would have meant so much more, you know? There is a lot of lip pursing and lots of hand shots, which is nice because Rob has nice hands.
1) The commentary. It is amazing. Rob is hilarious with comments like this:
"Never trust a guy who plucks his eyebrows."
"I have so many inexplicable facial expressions in this movie."
"I had pecs for about two days. Everyone would hate me. Just look at me walking around with my little peacoat on. My little customized pea coat."
"Sometimes I think I look like I’ve had facial reconstructive surgery. Like after burns."
[Jokingly] "I hate people who cry around me. I'm not friends with them anymore. Especially girls. Cuz girls are crying all the time. It's like, 'Shut up.' [Catherine Hardwicke points out that he just admitted that HE cried too] But I was crying over something legitimate. A movie."
"I'd love to be able to fit in a box. Like one of those people who fit into small boxes. I'd love it."
[Scene in the forest where Edward asks Bella, "What do we eat?"]: "Cheeseburgers."
[Scene where Edward shows off his sparkly body]: "I'm sorry, Bella. I'm just like a sweaty guy."
"I notice I have one of those butt chins. Like a nubbin."
So yes. I think you should buy the DVD.
Onto New Moon. I'm getting excited, but getting mad at myself for getting excited, because if I go in with low expectations I'm hoping I'll be happier with it than I was with Twilight. But try as I might, I can't help getting excited when I look at these pictures and watch these videos.
This is apparently the new Wolf Pack. Which makes me excited. Because the only thing funnier than the biology scene in Twilight is Solomon/Sam and his wooden delivery of the line "The Cullens don't come here." I wait for it and giggle every time I watch the movie. Plus, a lot of these guys are really good looking and the girls look like I pictured them (and there isn't a Disney star in sight). I hope they really give Emily a big gnarly scar.
Sometimes Taylor annoys me so much that I forget how cute he is. I'm glad his face is growing into his nose.
This guy is cute. I don't even know who he is playing, but to me, he looks like a Sam. Vast improvement--two thumbs up!

I am starting to become a fan of the Wolf Pack. Can someone check my temperature?

This is a picture of Chris Weitz visiting a luxury car dealership. I cannot wait for the scene with Alice stealing the Porsche. Oh how I've missed you, Bella's Big Old Red Truck. These lucky bitches were in Vancouver and got to hang with KStew and Failcob. This is when they were filming for the cliff-diving scene (OMG OMG). Kristen has confirmed that she will not actually be jumping, but it will look like it due to the magic of CGI. I have seen The Golden Compass and I have no doubts that it will look better than Twilight's CGI.
Hello from the New Moon set
by officialspunkransom

I wonder if they are expanding Victoria's role in New Moon. Because if I'm remembering the book correctly, her part consisted of a glimpse of flaming red hair. I'd be happy for them too, because I love Rachelle.

E news Ashley Green discusses New Moon (3-19-09)
by officialspunkransom

I just love Ashley Greene. She's almost as awesome as Alice.

I'm not kidding. I really enjoy Ashley Greene.

And I love KStew, too. People need to quit giving her a hard time and respect the bitchface.
This calms my fears about what they were going to do about Bella's house.They just built a replica in Vancouver. But I'm extremely concerned on how they will do this with the Cullen's house (although I hope they do).
One final note:
A fan named Julie met Peter Facinelli and she shared this information:
He talked to us about the script for New Moon and said he was happy with it. He mentioned his concerns at a man directing a story told from a woman’s (Bella’s) viewpoint, but how he was then totally reassured after meeting Chris Weitz the director. My favourite bit of insiders gossip that he gave us was one of the stage directions. In the New Moon script it says ‘the sunlight catches Edward’s skin and we see him sparkle’ ,it then says in brackets underneath (BUT BETTER THAN IN TWILIGHT) I guess they really are trying to improve the special effects!
That's what I like to hear!
Have a great New Moon Monday!
Elle Bunny

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