You're packing your bag for that magical desert island that happens to have electricity, a TV, and a DVD player—what five DVDs do you take with you?
1) Steel Magnolias.

This is kind of a given. I love this movie. I quote it at least three times a day, and most of the time receive nothing but blank stares from the folks around me. I named my blog after this movie, and at around 2:45 every afternoon I feel the urge to jump out of my chair yelling "My reception. My RE-CEP-TION..."
2) Gone With the Wind. I'd like to think that I'm the perfect combination of Melanie and Scarlett, but who am I kidding? I'm the worst combination of the two--half of the time I'm a total push-over, the kind of lady who wouldn't notice her best friend making a move on her husband. The other half of the time I'm going off on somebody about something ridiculously unimportant, and can't see the forest for the trees. But you can be sure of three things--I can shoot a Yankee at 20 paces, I could turn curtains into a bad ass dress so I look hot to go visit my honey in jail, and God as my Witness, I will never go hungry. Ever. (Saying Again is kind of silly since I never have).
3) Sixteen Candles. I love this movie so much it makes my heart want to burst. The reasons why--Jake Ryan aka Michael Schoeffling; Sam aka Molly Ringwald; Long Duk Dong. This is the ultimate comfort movie for me. I feel like this is my high school biopic only my parents wouldn't forget about my birthday and I never ended up with the high school hottie. So I guess it's not at all like my life. But Sam reminds me of myself at that age.
4) The Holiday. I love this movie. It is a completely ridiculous chick flick and I kind of hate Cameron Diaz, but I love this movie. It doesn't get much better than Kate Winslet in a chick flick for me.
5) How to Be. Someday this movie will come out on DVD, and I'm hoping that it is before I end up on the deserted island. If I end up there after March 21 but before How to Be comes out, then I will take Twilight.
Because I kind of love that movie. But I love How to Be a little bit more. Because Rob is an endearing loser and so is Art, the character he plays in that movie. To me, that movie is like the RPattz show. And he gets to keep the accent. Yum. But hell, I'll settle for Edward Cullen any day.
What are your top 5 Desert Island movies?
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
God, I can't get enough of Steel Magnolias. Not only do I own it, but I wrote a parody of it for my 5th Grade Talent Show called "Tin Petunias". Although I was not allowed to do this for obvious reasons, I was going to have the Shelby character (as played by Moi, of course) come out dressed in her Pretty Woman hooker outfit. Yeah, I was too edgy for 5th Grade.
I would also pick Goodfellas since its my all time favorite movie.
After that Gone with the's an obsession.
Then probably Almost Famous because I find that infinitely quotable and I love the music.
For the final movie, I would have to go with Swingers, just because mid-90's Vince Vaughn needs to be preserved. That man was a god.
Good movies. I love Goodfellas- everytime I have to wait for a table at a restaurant, I wish I was married to a gangster. Almost Famous is another good one--definitely quotable and I love the lead guy. I also love me some Vince Vaughn--Swingers is a great pick. Have you seen Into the Wild? He was great in that.
Why hasn't Strut made an appearance on the blog yet?
He will. I've taken tons of pictures, just need to take the time to upload them to the computer.
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