I promise, I haven't abandoned my blog. I've been preoccupied with life. Stupid life! And it's been a busy time at work. And my in-laws are in town and are our first official overnight house guests. So I've been kind of overwhelmed lately. But guess what y'all? It's New Moon Monday!! And we have lots to talk about!
First off, casting news!

In other casting news, Heidi Is a Supermodel! And no, I don't mean Heidi Klum.
The actress playing Heidi is this girl, and they are already trying to start rumors about a love triangle. Guffaw. I think she is pretty and a nice alternative to the always lovely AnnaLynne McCord.
(You know I love her).

Kristen has a lot going on right now.
A movie she made when she was just a youngin' (that was directed by Mary Stuart Masterson, aka Idgie Threadgoode) just came out on DVD. It's called The Cake Eaters and I can't wait to watch it (but unfortunately won't have time to watch until Wednesday--hopefully). Anyway she is supposedly amazing in it. Will report on that next week, along with my feelings on Adventureland which comes out on Friday. It's going to be a KStew-filled week. (BTW, I refuse to comment on the Kristen Stewart And Nikki Reed Kissing in Edward's Volvo video because I'm so annoyed with Nikki Reed and her famewhoring ways that I could scream).

Speaking of famewhores, I'm getting tired of everyone ragging on Rob and saying that he stinks. And Robert Pattinson has been named the 100th unsexiest man alive. Boo on those people.
Just look at that face. Bert's sad. J/K. But you should definitely take a look at this Q&A with moviefone where he clears the air on this and other rumors. 

Remember, leave the biting to professionals like RPattz.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
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