Monday, March 16, 2009

My Favorite Things Monday: My Current Obsession: SKINS

I'm so obsessed with this show.

It's about British kids growing up in Bristol. They are obviously very into partying. One of them (Sid) lusts after another member of the group (Michelle, who just so happens to be his best friend's girlfriend), while yet another member of the group lusts after them and then feels dejected and tries to commit suicide (that would be Cassie, who also happens to be bulimic.) His best friend Tony is like an evil Zack Morris-Chuck Bass hybrid. And I love Chris, who is in love with his psychology teacher. They all have crazy home lives. Each episode focuses on a character from the group.
Basically, it's like Beverly Hills, 90210/The O.C-if all the kids were British, and by definition, more interesting. I love it.

Apparently, in Season 3, all the characters you fall in love with leave and they focus on Tony's younger sister Effy. To which I say, Boo, Chicken, because I love these kids, but, oh well. Right now I'm just enjoying the fact that I'm only 2/3 of the way through the first season.

(If you happen to live in England and stumbled across this blog, just ignore me. I'm a new convert and I know nothing).
Fun Cast Facts:

Tony is the boy from About a Boy all grown up. He's cute. And plays a lovable asshole. With a ridiculous comforter.
Dev Patel, of Slumdog Millionaire fame, plays a character named Anwar. He's lovable as well (but not really an asshole. I mean, he has his asshole moments, but overall, he's a nice guy).
So you should definitely check this show out if you haven't already (apparently it is playing on TV in America, but I haven't come across it. I heard about it from fans of Dev Patel and ordered it on Netflix). My favorite episode is "Maxxie & Anwar" in which they visit Russia on a field trip. Hilarity ensues.
Have a great day!

Elle Bunny

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