For those of you who might have been living under a rock, Twitter is a social-networking site and according to it's Wiki page, Twitter enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 bytes in length. Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. And while I might be scared to Twitter myself, I do find myself reading other peoples Twitters (or Tweets...still haven't figured that out yet).
I'm oddly fascinated with celebrities on Twitter. It's so ridiculous to me that all of these people who are so concerned with having private lives constantly let everyone know what's going on in them. Twitter is supposedly the reason that Jennifer Aniston dumped John Mayer--

I feel lukewarm about John Mayer's Twitter page
While I monitor it, in the same way I monitor his career, I find myself alternating between loving him when I see a glimpse of what he used to be (I'm an old school John Mayer fan and am amused by statements like "The next time you happen to hear Muzak, pretend that the song is being performed by kittens.") and marveling at the tool that he has become ("Be yourself today. Be wildly yourself.")

Twitter can also be a tool to help you realize the absolute awesomeness of people. Such as Christopher Walken.
Who I've always thought was kind of awesome (how could you not after watching that Fatboy Slim video?), but have grown to love so much more by reading musings on his Twitter page.

"There's a kid on a Pogo stick in front of my house. It's nearly midnight so let's assume he's been drinking. This should end well for him."
"I claim to be frightened of horses but do so only to get out of attending parades. It's peculiar but has served me well. The horses get it."
"A neighbor kid shows up from time to time dressed as Superman. I think it's him anyway. Very difficult to say for sure without the glasses."
How could you not love that?
Please share your thoughts on Twitter with me. I can't decide how I feel about it.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
I love reading people's tweets, but I understand your hesitation to put yourself out there like that. I think everyone knows not to take that stuff so seriously, so I say go for it!
BTW, I stayed up late last night with the Golden Girls. Did you see the one where Dorothy almost stops Stan's wedding?
I did not see that one. I did watch the two-parter where Sophia gets married to Max and they open a pizza and knish stand that ends up burning down. Poor Sophia!
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