Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday's Fun Fearless Female is....

Alright, here at PIMSC headquarters, we are all about equal coverage of political stuff. Usually that equals no coverage because frankly, politics can be pretty boring and ugly compared to the things this blogger is interested in writing about-90210, Twilight, Michael McDonald, etc.
But the game has changed in recent months. Whatever you might think about the current candidates for Pres and VP, it's pretty cool to think that no matter what, we are going to end up with ground broken in this election.
Last week, Malia & Sasha Obama were Friday's Fun Fearless Females. This week, we have had some crazy stuff going on. John McCain picked Sarah Palin for his VP. She is an Alaskan renaissance woman, a "hockey" mom (is that like a cold soccer mom?) with 5 kids who all have weird names. It has been revealed that one of her daughters, Bristol, who is 17, is prego.

So she seems like a really cool lady with a life from crazy town. I disagree with her on a lot and I think this pick is kind of a slap in the face to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, but she seems alright.

She made an incredible speech on Wednesday at the RNC, but nothing she could have said would have been as awesomely entertaining as this:

Therefore, I have no choice but to crown Piper Palin Friday's Fun Fearless Female! Piper was born in 2001. She is an Alaska native who loves her little brother, Trig, who has Downs Syndrome.

So let's celebrate Piper Palin!

Have a great weekend!


Elle Bunny

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