Monday, September 8, 2008

So...I feel really old

I watched the VMA's last night. First of all, Russell Brand should be banned from all future MTV events. He was only slightly funny and very rude. The only reason I was even slightly interested in watching was this: And this is what happened when they introduced Paramore:
REALLY, Russell Brand? He doesn't know the can of worms that he just opened, because hell hath no fury like a Twilighter scorned--this will become clear to him in the next few months, as the Twilight community is going bonkers over this.
I wish somebody had been videotaping my reaction during the whole thing--at first I was a little annoyed that Cam's name was mispronounced, then a little annoyed that he was there in the first place. Then I was annoyed that Taylor and Kristen were walking down together but thought it was cute that he helped her down the stairs. Then I got mad because they had to stand in the middle of an aisle rather than on the stage like everyone else. Then, when Russell interrupted Rob my jaw was on the floor and I was screeching at my television "NO! NO! Let him talk! Shut up!" Then, Rob held the microphone up to his mouth again and MTV cut away from him. "Nu-Uh. Oh my goodness, that did not just happen!" (Immediately rewinding to watch and analyze three times).
Mr. Bunny stared at me, a bemused look on his face.
While I was very annoyed by the whole situation, I have lots of positive things to say:
1) Kristen looked very pretty.
2) So did all the boys--most especially Rob.
3) I thought it was cute when Cam pulled Rob up with the rest of them--in made me feel that James and Edward could have been friends, had the situation been different.
4) Rob seemed very shy. It was endearing. He hung back from the crowd and giggled when he was interrupted and it was just...cute. He was definitely the only British Gentleman in attendance.
5) Someone from MTV was live blogging during the whole event and initially wrote "Real live couple Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson arrived arm and arm". They later changed it to "Looking like a real couple..." ". I really wish that they would get together. If they started dating, I would be such a happy girl. When I read it, I smiled ear to ear.
But really MTV, this show sucked. I know I'm not exactly your target audience anymore, but the show was awful. Those poor little Jonas boys and their purity rings-and they were the only real musicians that played during the whole show. I mean, I'm not saying they are especially talented or anything, but there song was kind of catchy and they actually played their own instruments. But that part of the show definitely made me feel old. All I could say was "I don't get it. They're supposed to be cute?" BTW, don't you think that curly haired Jonas #1 looks like a Bernstein Bear?
The resemblance is astonishing.
But other than that, Leona Lewis was good...and then Lil Wayne started jumping around, losing his pants. Christina Aguilera lip synched fairly well and Pink & Kid Rock did the same performances they always do. I do have to say that it was nice to see some people that were popular when I actually cared about the VMAs (1999, 2000).
I was happy that Britney finally won a Moonman, but I thought it was a little excessive for her to win 3 for these videos when she has had much better videos in the past. And while her opening the show wasn't too great, at least she didn't make a fool out of herself.
So I guess the moral of the story is that I felt really old. I don't get Lil Wayne. I don't really get the Jonas Brothers, or Katy Perry. Rihanna is okay but I was very disturbed by "Disturbia"--I liked her performance with TI, though. And finally, this person
She is incredibly annoying. But I realized, she won't be going away for a long time if at all. Because she is only 16 years old!
MTV--you need to step it up next year. This sucked. How about next year you actually hire someone the American public actually recognizes.
Elle Bunny


Anonymous said...

I started to call you last night when that obnoxious Brit cut off Edward. Of all the nerve. Calls for a sequel - Forgetting Russell Brand - boy that would be easy to do. Don't think I'd go walking in the woods at night if I were him.

You know this Kristen Stewart could play Priscilla Presley. She's beautiful. Anyway, hated the show, loved the blog. PD

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. The VMA's suck, Russell Brand sucks, and MTV is dead to me.

Elizabeth said...

Yeah, I'm so excited to have comments! I love the idea of having a Forgetting Russell Brand movie. And Kristen could totally play Priscilla! MTV is dead to me as well--except when I lose my self control and watch a marathon of the Hills.

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I am a co-worker of Cam Todd's and a sort-of friend of your sister Meredith's. :) She knew, through Cam, that I'm a total Twilighter, so she thought I might like to read your blog.

I just wanted to say, awesome recap of the VMAs. I had the same "Oh, snap! Rpatzz just got snubbed! The fandom's going to kill someone ..." moment as you when stupid Russell Brand cut him off. They did look mighty fine though.
