Tuesday, September 16, 2008

RIP, Scott Scanlon

This is one of the only scenes from the first few seasons that I vividly remember watching during it's first airing.

This freaked me out: this is obviously partly due to the fact that I was around 6-years-old at the time. But I have a feeling that Douglas Emerson's horrible facial expressions might have had something to do with my being traumatized.

Anyway, say what you will about this episode, Brian Austin Green did an awesome acting job in this one.

I still get tears in my eyes when Donna says "Look you guys, it's just like the fourth of July" and then David says "This one's for you, Scott." I know that is really dorky, but it gets to me.

But I must admit that I did LOL when Dylan said "Surf board wax. It's to symbolize the waves that have been pounding the shores for thousands of years but really it's just a brief moment in time." He must be the Poet Laureate of Baja. And did you notice the eye roll Brenda gave him. LMAO!

I watched this episode yesterday afternoon. It's definitely one of the best episodes of Beverly Hills ever. It is right up there with the one where Brenda discovers Wendy's diary and imagines all her friends in 60's garb. The writers of 90210 may have been way off their rockers sometimes, but there are times in the series when they got it so right. This is one of them.

Speaking of 90210....A certain Ms. Kelly Taylor is said to be revealing the identity of her baby daddy on the episode of the new 90210 airing tonight. I think a little part of my 10-year-old self will die if it isn't this man:

Let's send a prayer to the surf-gods that it is and that he returns to the zip code where he is meant to be.
Have a great day!

Elle Bunny

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