Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My name is Elle Bunny, and I am a Myspace/Facebook binger.

What is it about these sites that make me physically ill when I think about them? I normally avoid them at all costs. But there are a lot of great things about them:
1) You can post you pictures and share them with your friends.
2) You can share your favorite music and decorate your page.
3) You can play games.
4) Makes high school reunions super easy.
5) You can keep up with people you know--this is the most awesome feature, especially in this day and age when me and my friends are so busy with work and school that we rarely see each other--a lot of the time I wouldn't have a clue what was going on in their lives without it.
6)You can find people from school that you forgot about/lost touch with.
These are all awesome aspects of Myspace and Facebook. And I really liked having Myspace and Facebook at first. But once I was in their web awhile, I started feeling nauseated when I came to these pages and began to avoid them at all costs. Here are some of the reasons why:
1) People post their pictures. There are numerous reasons that this can be nauseating, primarily
A: You yourself are in their picture looking something awful,
B: They look beautiful and happy in their picture, or
C: Third party is in their picture and they are looking happy, healthy and beautiful.
Now obviously, reasons B and C don't apply to a friend of yours. They can be a reaction to someone you used to like/were in a relationship with or it can be somebody you've always hated/made your life hell during school. I can't tell you how many girls I know that saw an ex-boyfriend's wedding pictures on Myspace and immediately deleted their account. It's very traumatic.
But most importantly, people use this as an opportunity to brag in a way that they never would in public. I was reading the Myspace of a girl I was happy to forget about after middle school (see #6) and she actually wrote "You should be jealous of my life." I won't be, thank you. If you feel the need to put that in there, than chances are, life sucks in your neck of the woods.
2) People pick really stupid music and background on their page. When people pick really generic annoying music for their Myspace, I don't even want to look at the rest. It just confirms the fact that they have not grown up and I move along to the next page. I also hate it when people have so much stuff on their page that it takes 4 hours for it to load.
3) The games can get addictive. I would just rather stay away from Facebook because whenever I get on one of the games I'm obsessed with it for the rest of the day.
4) Mr Bunny recently hit 10 years since he graduated, so we attended the first night of his high school reunion while in Yakima. Leading up to the event, we got two different Myspace messages from two different girls planning two different reunions. The girl whose reunion never came to fruition was planning it for next year (11 year reunion?) and when I talked with the girl who planned this one she said that the other girl got really mad at her and was sending her threatening Myspace messages. This is a perfect example of the drama that is caused by Myspace.
5) Viruses--I'm not sure if this is even what they are called, but something takes over your Myspace account and you're screwed. I got one and it sent out a video to half of my friends list. The video featured crack addicts in the ghetto. My BFF Meredith got a virus the week before that sent out a video with girls kissing. Grody to the max.
6) People who you were happy to forget about and lose touch with are able to find you. They ask to be your friends several times and sometimes, in a moment of weakness, you accept them. Next thing you know they have sent you several messages and commented on half your pictures.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is if it weren't for the funny comments I get from my friends and the opportunity to create flare on Facebook, I wouldn't be on either anymore. Sometimes, I will go on the sites and obsessively look over peoples pages and find everyone I went to high school with. Afterwards I'm always sick. My "binging"reminds me of a documentary I saw once on Bulemics. I'm a Myspace/Facebook binger. Is anybody else like me? Should we quit while we're ahead of keep on these sites to keep in touch with our friends?
Thoughts to ponder on a Wednesday afternoon.
Elle Bunny

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