To celebrate Baby KStew's 19th Birthday, Mr. Bunny and I went to see Adventureland last night.
We both really enjoyed it. It was not at all what I was expecting. When you hear that something is a male coming-of-age story written and directed by the same guy who brought us Superbad, I think it's only natural that you'd expect it to be a raunchy giggle fest. Instead it was sweet and kind of heartbreaking. The college-age kids look and act like college-age kids. Of course, the music is incredible because it takes place in the 80's, but the best part of this movie is the actors.
In the story, James, a recent college graduate from Pittsburgh, PA, is planning to go to Europe before enrolling in Columbia for Grad School. His plans are dashed by his parents who explain to him that his father has been demoted and they don't have the money to send him to Europe, or to help with Grad School. So he gets a job at the local theme park, Adventureland, after discovering that a liberal arts degree doesn't even qualify you for manual labor (that's the excuse I've always used). At the park, he meets a bevvy of interesting characters, including Connell, who is played to perfection by Ryan Reynolds. He also meets Em, KStew's character, and falls for her. I don't want to tell you anymore because you really should just see the movie.

Jesse Eisenberg could not be more likable if he looked like Johnny Depp (or, sakes alive, even RPattz). There is something about his demeanor that makes you root for him, and whether it's his quiet intelligence or his dorky charm, I'm not sure. But in the same way that I felt Kristen Stewart's role in Twilight was essential in allowing you entry into a believable alternate universe in which Vampires go to Forks High School, I feel that Jesse Eisenberg made it feel completely effortless to go back in time to 1987 and really feel like you could be working there with him in the Adventureland theme park.
I liked this movie so much because it didn't hit you over the head with anything-it wasn't an all out love story and they didn't go for the cheap laugh. The 80s references were never heavy-handed but always enough to make you giggle (I love Lisa P) without making you roll your eyes. Everything was done in a way that makes this movie stand out and above others in its genre, and I'm sure that I will not just buy it on DVD, but actually watch it frequently.
Kristen was magnificent and she looked beautiful. She is so talented and wise beyond her 19 years. She gave a great, understated performance. I think it's clear that I'm a big fan, so I won't go on about it anymore, but I think she was great.
Have a great day, and go see this movie!
Happy Birthday, Kristen!
Elle Bunny
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