Friday, April 10, 2009

Pam Beesly is Friday's Fun Fearless Female

Oh, Pam. You certainly are this Friday's Fun Fearless Female. You took a chance and left Dunder Mifflin to join Michael in his newest ridiculous venture, the Michael Scott Paper Company.

Now you are stuck working with Michael and Ryan, the douchiest of all douchebags (did anybody else want to throw-up when he was saying Pam was a 6 in NYC but a 7 in Scranton?). And you all share an office that is really more of a closet.
You had a very Elle Bunny-esque break down at the end of the first of two new episodes last night; you talked about how you don't know what you were thinking leaving that perfectly cushy job; you got bored, but that's not a reason to leave a job where you had health benefits and sat 10 feet away from your incredibly cute fiance. You just got bored.
I feel you, Pam. I'm bored, too. But I'm also terrified of leaving my incredibly cushy job with great health insurance for the scary grown-up world out there where people have to dress in fancy clothes to go to work. And this episode just reaffirmed my feelings that I should never leave my current desk (which in truth, is not even my own desk, but rather, a portion of a long table which I share with 20 other people). It really is scary out there. And if I'm not careful, I could end up working in a closet, sitting at a poker table with my current boss and one of the many losers that have worked with me in the past. And to confirm that I had been transported to in hell, I could have to hear the toilet flushing every few minutes.

Thanks for taking one for the team, Pam. But maybe I should see you as inspiration and not a scary parable. Because I just realized that I should be congratulating you on your first sale! That was really awesome, although I'm not sure how the three of you are going to live for very long on under $900. I also want to congratulate you on taking a stand on the copy thing. I also can relate on that front, not only because I like making copies (they are warm!) but because I feel like people do stereotype and put you in a box at work which you can never escape. And that bothers me, because really, we are all multifaceted people.

But lets get down to srs bsns now, are you guys going to return to Dunder Mifflin soon? I don't see how long this can last. Oh, and has Jim figured out a way to remove that clown picture? Can I come to your wedding? I really hope you and Jim get married soon.
You guys are so cute.
In closing, I want to thank you Pam, for representing ladies in the workplace so realistically. Many of us are just like you. Timid, maybe, but underneath that shy veneer there is a confident business woman ready to be unearthed.
Congratulations, Pam Beesly, Friday's Fun Fearless Female!
Have a Happy Easter everyone!
Elle Bunny

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