The best part is that they had this whole conversation about her bubbies in front of their very young daughters at a public restaurant.
That couple is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a set of sisters who married a set of brothers, another one of the housewives in married to the sisters' brother, and the family business is an event/wedding center. But they saved the best for last. The last crazy housewife bares a striking resemblance to most of the contestants on RuPaul's Drag Race and she seems very concerned with getting some from a much younger guy she met on the internet (whose name she does not know); another one of her priorities is sitting around her mansion and calling her ex-husband to complain about how she hasn't gotten her divorce settlement yet. I guess in the grand tradition of Real Housewives, she is also unable to work.
I love this show so much and it hasn't even started yet. I've always been a sucker for anything related to the Mob (The Sopranos, Goodfellas, Married to the Mob, the Godfather, etc), and while I know this show is not explicitly related to the mob, read this before you tell me I'm stereotyping. I'm already planning a drinking game for this show. Whenever one of the says "bubbies" I will drink a shot. If somebody wears leopard print, I will have a couple sips of an amaretto sour (if I drank more, I have a feeling I might be drunk as a skunk twenty minutes in). If somebody mentions the mob or "sleeping with the fishes", I will down a whole bottle of Grey Goose.
Honestly, compared to these women, the Real Housewives of NYC were a bore last night. The only halfway interesting moment came from Discountess LuAnn Platter
LuAnn sure knows how to sell that book on manners and etiquette. Who wouldn't want to buy a book on manners from a woman who tells a 10 year old girl she's fat? I love the look on that girl's face. She's thinking to herself, "what is this dumb horse telling me? I don't like this woman." Karma's a bitch and after all her going on and on about being a Countess, LuAnn is living her life as A Countess Without A Count . Poor Discountess LuAnn Platter!
Have a great day!
(and if you don't watch the preview for RHONJ, I might shoot you in the face).
Elle Bunny
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