Tuesday, April 7, 2009

YouTubesday: The James Franco Edition

Today is YouTubesday. James Franco recently trashed a room for Wholpin.

According to their website, "Wholphin is a quarterly DVD magazine from McSweeney's, lovingly encoded with unique and ponderable films designed to make you feel the way we felt when we learned that dolphins and whales sometimes, you know, do it."

Thank you Wolphin. This video is made of awesome and did leave me pondering it for awhile afterward--as did your interesting name.

And I know I've been talking about it frequently lately, but I'm in awe of James Franco. I want to have him over to my house for Thanksgiving Dinner. He can talk about the book he's writing and wear his Allen Ginsberg glasses. I'm sure he would love my cornbread dressing and pecan pie.
I just need to learn how to make pecan pie.

Have a great day!


Elle Bunny


brandi11 said...

I have loved James Franco ever since he played James Dean in this TV movie back in 2001. I also watched the less than stellar Tristan and Isolde film for him.

Elizabeth said...

Yes, that is when my obsession with Franco started with the James Dean movie as well. He was amazing in that! I also saw Tristan and Isolde and even stuck with him through Flyboys. I'm just glad he finally made it back to making good movies again.

Dianna said...

You and millions of other women are 'obsessed' with this handsome young man with the killer lips! Come join the fun at jamesfranco.proboards77.com for pics, vids, latest news on James' projects, etc...