Friday, December 5, 2008

Britney Spears is Friday's Fun Fearless Female!

Okay, we all know that Britney has been through a lot . But I'm so proud of her. Look at her on the cover of Rolling Stone: Mr. Bunny saw this and said "Is that an old picture of Britney?" I assured him that it was not and that Britney has been working hard to get it together. Here is the video for her new video Circus off her new album of the same name.

Britney's Back. I mean, she doesn't sing well, and when she performs live, she is just lip-synching, and usually doing a pretty bad job. But she looks pretty, right?

And Lord knows she can entertain!
Here are some videos from her "For the Record" documentary that aired on MTV.

Oh, Brit Brit. I'm glad you use art as therapy!

Brit Brit, I'm sure I would think that was funny if I knew your Dad. Good Job!

Way to analyze Britney. You're figuring things out.
Truth is, although I make fun of her sometimes, I root for Britney. I think we all do. She is just so loveable. And it looks like Britney's album will debut big at #1!Congrats Britney-you've made your comeback, and we are all so proud of you! Keep up the good work!
Let's here it for Britney Spears, Friday's Fun Fearless Female! We should all have some cheetos and fried chicken to celebrate her success.
Have a great weekend!
Elle Bunny

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