Friday, December 12, 2008

Kristen Stewart is Friday's Fun Fearless Female!

So on this, the original Twilight US release date, I feel it is only fitting to crown Kristen Friday's Fun Fearless Female.
I love Kristen Stewart. I think her's is the best performance in "Twilight." She just IS Bella.
But as evidenced by this picture, she totally isn't Bella in her real life. I love that she doesn't swoon over Rob all the time (check out this video) but they seem to have a lot of fun.

Even if she doesn't swoon over him, she's totally in love with him secretly (and his love for her is evident in every interview).

I love that she picks meaty roles.
She truly is one of the best actresses of our generation. She was so good in Speak.
I love her because she doesn't always wear fancy clothes.

But she is drop dead gorgeous. And playing Joan Jett in a movie!

Words cannot express my love for KStew. And at this time, when the Twilight Universe is going through transition and tumolt, it is nice to know that we can depend on Kristen and Rob.

My love for Kristen only multiplies when I watch this video and realize that she has been in close quarters with him for the past year.

Bless her heart. She must alternate between wanting to make out with him and smack him on the back of the head.

Good Luck Kristen! I know you and Oregano are going on a road trip to Russia! Yet another reason why you are this Friday's Fun Fearless Female. Oh, and good luck dealing with all this new director and possible new Jacob stuff.

And remember, the Twilighters always have your back.

Have a great day!
Elle Bunny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it's filled with sparkly boys ... ;)