And, according to Wiki:
In November 2004, Taylor announced that she had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, a progressive condition in which the heart is too weak to pump sufficient blood throughout the body, particularly to the lower extremities: the ankles and feet. She has broken her back five times, had both her hips replaced, survived a benign brain tumor operation, skin cancer, and has faced life-threatening bouts with pneumonia twice. She is reclusive and sometimes fails to make scheduled appearances due to illness or other personal reasons. She now uses a wheelchair and when asked about it she said that she has osteoporosis and was born with scoliosis.
Wowsa. That's one tough broad. There aren't enough words in the English language to describe Elizabeth's beauty or talent. And you have to love a girl who enjoys jewelry that much.

And the lady help to add to the awesomeness that is being named Elizabeth.
Here are some of my favorite Elizabeth Taylor moments:
Yum. It doesn't get much better than James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor on the same screen. Their combined beauty quotient makes my head want to explode.
I love "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?" I love Elizabeth playing an old drunkard. She does it well.
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" is made of awesome as well. Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor are magnificent together. Although, even though I hate it, I find myself flashing back to Brenda on Beverly Hills, 90210 and her portrayal of Maggie with her horrible southern accent. And crazy Laura trying to hang herself on stage. Oh, God, I need a life.
Elizabeth Taylor even portrayed "Cleopatra". She is so gorgeous in this movie. And totally in love with Richard Burton.
In my favorite Liz Taylor performance to date, the "White Diamonds" commercial. She looks so beautiful. I love that they still show this commercial on television even though they started showing it when I was like 5. I love that she takes off her earring and hands it to him, like "eh, I've got another 50 of these at home." So badass.
And possibly the most awesome is Liz's response to someone asking if she planned to get married again. I love when women reach the age where they just don't give a damn what anybody thinks of them. I want to be there someday.

Have a great weekend!
Elle Bunny
Elle Bunny
P.S. I had to include this late breaking news because it cracks me up and combines two of my favorite things: "Twilight" and "The Office". Now to me, the funniest thing about the office is Kelly Kapoor.
Maybe it's because I know if my life had taken a few turns for the worse, I could be her. We have a lot in common. And apparently, our mutual love of Twilight is one of the many reasons why we would make great friends.

In the newest Dunder Mifflin Scranton Newsletter, Kelly talks about Rob and Twilight.
by Kelly Kapoor
OMG you guys! This month my life is all about Twilight! I've seen the movie six times and I'm seeing it three more times this weekend. I used to want to be a Vampire Slayer like Buffy because I thought all Vampires were these creep-ola guys with bad eyebrows that didn't respect a girl. That was before I saw Twilight. Robert Pattinson is doing for Vampires what Orlando Bloom did for pirates. Now, I totally wanna be a Vampire's girlfriend. Vampires these days are super cute and super sensitive. They may suck your blood, but they'll wait until you're ready, and then send you a facebook message the next day to tell you how special it was. Plus Vampire boys are pretty; they have smooth soft skin, defined cheekbones, and long eyelashes - so hot! If Kristin Stewart doesn't know how good she has it, Robert Pattinson should stop by my place after dark. We can hold hands and talk about why he's so mysterious! AH, I love it! They've already started working on the sequel! I can't wait!! TWILIGHT!!!

All I have to say is:
I love Liz Taylor! White Diamonds is the best. I periodically will take off my jewelery and hand it to guys at casinos "for luck". My favorite movie of hers is Cleopatra, but I'm also partial to Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Giant.
I totally want to be Liz Taylor when I grow up. Glad that you agree!
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