Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What's wrong with this picture?

What's wrong with this picture is the fact that it is actually multiple pictures. Let me explain.
Here's Rob on Thursday night, the night before el día que el pelo de sexo se murió (for you gringos, that's the day the sex hair died).
Here's Rob on Friday (these pics didn't come out until Sunday, though). He's buying boxes, presumably to build himself a hobo palace. Now that he's rich he can buy boxes to make his home out of, instead of just begging them off of the grocery store.
I'm assuming that Rob's $2000 clown car is in the shop because he's been driving an Audi around for the last few days. It's really pretty and I kind of hoped he had treated himself to something nice, but it has Minnesota plates, which makes me think it's more likely a rental car. Perhaps the BMW dashboard caught on fire again?
Anyway, here's Rob again on Friday night, carrying a pair of jeans (why?)
And while I have no pictures as evidence for Saturday and Sunday, here is a picture of Rob arriving at Heathrow in London on Monday.

Poor Bert looks slightly annoyed by the London paps. But I'm so glad that he's home.

So now it is time to discuss what's wrong with this picture, or rather, these pictures. I would venture a guess that he wore the same plaid shirt on Saturday and Sunday. Oh Rob! He's such a hobo! But I love him for that. When I saw Rob's outfit on Thursday, I was pleased. He was wearing a shirt we rarely see him in--the last time I clearly remember seeing him in this shirt was on the set of Twilight in a picture taken by TwiMoms.Just look at that beautiful forest of hair. Sigh. As Michael K wisely pointed out, Where Will The Unicorns Frolic?

Anyway, my point is, your life doesn't depend on you wearing that shirt, Rob. You can change your clothes. I know it must be an overwhelming time for him right now--no hair to run his fingers through when he get's nervous, he's moving, he's going to be working on a new movie, there's a new director for "New Moon". Perhaps that is why he is clinging to his clothes--they are one thing that doesn't need to change. But I think all of this change is good for Rob, and he just needs to embrace it. I seriously doubt he is going to stop being the goofy Rob we all love. But hopefully his mum will buy him clothes for Christmas.

I kind of love Rob's new hair. I'm proud of him for asserting his independence. I will miss the sex hair, but he looks so young with his new haircut, it's really cute.

Anyway, I hope Rob is having a Merry Christmas at home in London!

Have a great day!


Elle Bunny

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