1) Gladiator Sandals being seen as "en vogue".

2) The never-ending popularity of Paris Hilton.
3) Chess
4) That thing where you use your knuckles while making a fist to figure out how many days are in every month.
5) Ween
6) Lord of the Rings 7) Star Trek (my husband is dying after reading the last three)
8) Sandals with socks
9) People who don't like music
10) Why people raise their kids with inflated egos, just to have them grow up and realize that the world does not revolve around them and they really aren't THAT special. I am so tired of woman bragging to me about how their child or their grandchild got all A's and how they are "gifted and talented". Which they may very well be, but I don't understand why they can't just keep it to themselves and take their kids out for Jell-O at Luby's as a reward, like my parents did with me and my sister.
11) Twinkies 12) Why people always feel the need to start a call with "I'm calling in regards to" or "I don't know if I'm calling the right number." Newsflash: I can't tell you until you tell me what you need. And I know what you are calling about: cancer. It is what everybody calls me about. Just get to the point (I know I'm being cranky, forgive me, I'm sleepy).
13) The overuse of the non-existent word irregardless.
14) White-water rafting.
15) The white-water scandal.
16) Toe rings. 17) The music of Randy Newman.
18) People who instantly give you nicknames without a relationship or your permission.
19) Having fish as pets. I've tried it and it just doesn't work.

21) Heidi and Spencer-GO AWAY!
22) Spam
23) People who insist on doing very cliche things in attempt to rebel and "be themselves". It is really not that cool and rebellious to get a tattoo anymore. We are all going to be sitting in the nursing home with tattoos and nose rings. Just a thought.
24) When people say "Like I said" before starting into a story that they have never told you before. When people say "Like I said" before everything, it makes me want to hit them over the head with a frying pan.
25) Leggings in the 21st century. Leave them behind in the 80's, please! And for the love of God, please don't bring back the stirrup pant!
Do y'all have some things you just don't get? I'm sure some people don't get my obsession with all things Twilight and Beverly Hills, 90210. And that's okay. To each their own I guess. Sorry for the rant, but feel free to share some things that you just don't understand in the comments!
Elle Bunny
Word to this entire post!
My Dear Bunny-
I love you very much, as you well know, but I don't understand some of the obects of your list. I'll give you chess, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings, those I understand. But honestly, WeeN!?
Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to burn you a CD of WeeN songs that anyone could love. In all honesty, I didn't like WeeN when I first heard them. In fact, I had to listen to some of their CD's MANY times before I was truely able to appreciate them. It may that I was brainwashed, but I grew to love them.
You do get HUGE points for sitting through most of their set at ACL a couple of years ago (you really are the best wife ever), but I'm not going to lose hope for your future as a WeeN fan. Time will tell!
Love You-
Mr. Bunny
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