This show is ridiculous. Do these people know the cameras are on? If they do, they're crazy.
Does anybody else think that Jeana has taken too many happy pills? Nothing phases her. Her sons are so rude. And while Shane is hot, nobody seems that hot when they are mean to their mom. What the hell is wrong with this woman? Her Kenny Rogers look-alike fiance is literally dying in the hospital, and she's busy getting drunk on tequila and flirting with her friend's son. Gross.
I understand she needs a break from it all, and God knows she deserves it, but I honestly doubt that she spends that much time in the hospital because every time I turn around I see her flirting with some guy at the horse races or going to Bass Lake with the family or going to check out gyms to invest in. I don't mean to judge, but I can't help it. And I want to throw up every time she talks about sex or anything sex-related. First off, I certainly don't need to know about you having sex with Jeff in the hospital (no one needs that visual); secondly I don't need to know that because of your apparent lack of sexy-times you need to go shopping for vibrators.
Just grow up. I feel sorry for Jeff's kids. This whole thing is just really wrong in my book.

These women are certifiable, and while I understand that she does need to be thinking about these things and that Vicki knows all about everything related to life insurance
(otherwise, why would she need to bring her laptop everywhere she goes) but they went about it the complete wrong way. Vicki and Jeana seemed like they were attacking her. It made them seem money hungry. On the other hand, Lynne came out smelling like roses (although her business Cuff Love is ridiculous).
I also have to say that I think Lynne's girls must be crazy--drinking and bowling on camera?? Hell to the no--you are 18. If you are going to do that (which you shouldn't) don't be stupid enough to do it on camera. I just kind of hate that whole family; they seem like wet dish rags.

The other ladies certainly do not lack personality, and while many of them grate on my nerves, they're all entertaining in their own way. Jeana with her uppers and sweet daughter; Tamra and her crazy attempts at staying young, horrible annoying son, and likable husband; Gretchen and her ridiculous stripper parties and funny laugh; and Vicki with her constant woo-hooing, trips without her husband, and falling. I live to see Vicki fall. She bothers me and maybe I'm a bad person, but I laugh and hit rewind when she falls/gets hit in the head with a football. She's annoying and self righteous, so I figure that's karma.

Let me know what you think!
Elle Bunny
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