Tuesday, January 13, 2009



Ann Coulter-You are not witty or funny. You are a vile human being and a disgrace to your beloved grand ole party.


This is not a good idea.


Your 15 minutes officially ran out 3 months ago. Please exit stage left.


We don't care if you're getting married. I didn't care when you said you were engaged the first time. But I really don't care this time around and I'm starting to hate you even more now than I did when you left your beautiful pregnant girlfriend for a Victoria's Secret model.


You're not clever, you're not funny, you're famous because your Dad had a mullet and sang about his Achy-Breaky Heart. Please go away. The only thing I find more annoying than you is the dumb people who are hanging out with you in this horrible video (who are WAY too old to enjoy spending time with a 16 year old and are only hanging out with you to ride on your coattails).

That's all I have to say. I feel better now.

Have a great day everyone!


Elle Bunny


Anonymous said...

Aww, you can't hate on Tom! If I was married, he would be the only man I would leave my husband for. But apparently he likes tall, so that's a dealbreaker.

Elizabeth said...

I just can't get over the whole leaving his pregnant girlfriend for a Victoria's Secret Model. That's kind of a dealbreaker for me. And I know that there are two sides to every story, but every time I think of Bridget Moynahan, I think of her as Natasha on Sex & the City, falling and breaking her tooth on the stairs when she catches Carrie in her apartment, and in makes me sad. I'm irrational