For example, in response to the post

You say: "I thought she looked like she got electrocuted by a hairdryer, and then nuzzled by 10 kittens, and then caught in a windstorm." We say: It's Hollywood; it's Drew. This might have happened.
You say: "She looks like a Stepford Wife after escaping across the cornfield." We say: But more drunk, amirite?
You say: "Add me to the list of people that loved it. She kind of looked like she fucked in a wind tunnel on the way to the awards." We say: Um, see number one?
You say: "I liked it! It's totally 1963 office party after a half hour in the closet with a junior copywriter." We say: Bingo! People will be flocking to salons to get the "Pete Campbell special."
You say: "She looks like a Stepford Wife after escaping across the cornfield." We say: But more drunk, amirite?
You say: "Add me to the list of people that loved it. She kind of looked like she fucked in a wind tunnel on the way to the awards." We say: Um, see number one?
You say: "I liked it! It's totally 1963 office party after a half hour in the closet with a junior copywriter." We say: Bingo! People will be flocking to salons to get the "Pete Campbell special."
Too funny. You can read my thoughts on Drew's 'Do here.
So I guess what I'm saying is, you should check out Jezebel if you haven't already.
Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
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