They're ALIVE!!

I love me some babies, and they don't get much cuter than these two little ducks. People have been wondering where they were-the babies have been in hiding. Well, this week the twin messiahs graced us with an appearance in Tokyo along with the rest of the family.
I'm so glad they came out for public viewing because they are so freaking adorable. Angie and Brad, take notes--you shouldn't be keeping these two under wraps. People like you more when you have your cute and cuddly babies around. They don't like you as much when you snub Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet,
or when you're giving Anne Hathaway a bitchface that would stop Anna Wintour in her tracks.
Keep the kids around you all the time and you might even win matching Academy Awards. But I have a feeling that if you do bring an Oscar home, Maddox may insist on using it as one of his army men,
and Shiloh may throw a fit if you won't let her dress it up like one of her baby dolls. 
Everyone have a great weekend!
Elle Bunny
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