TV Guide is reporting that Tori is about to sign a deal to return to the show, along with Jennie Garth and Jason Priestley.
Apparently, Priestly will direct Tori's debut on the show, which is scheduled to begin filming at the end of January.
Reports originally were that Tori wasn't being offered enough money.
After some recent negotiations, they seem to have hooked her in! But, only under the condition that they will allow her to portray only the material she thinks lives up to the original 90210 standards.
Pwned once again by Dylan McKay.
Speaking of Dylan McKay and stalkers, I'm being stalked by all things 90210. Last night, I watched the People's Choice Awards for like 10 minutes. I managed to see Jennie Garth
present an award with AnnaLynne McCord
(the poor man's Kelly Taylor who is rumored to be dating Kellan Lutz aka Emmett Cullen, who also played George the A-Hole on 90210) and I also spotted Dylan McKay...oh, er, Luke Perry, who was nominated for an award (the category was Favorite Scene Stealing Guest Star--he was nominated for his stint as a rapist on Law & Order SVU and he duked it out with Britney Spears for her role on How I Met Your Mother and Robin Williams being awesome on Law & Order SVU. He was beat by Robin). This is after watching 3 hours of Beverly Hills, 90210 reruns that I taped on DVR. And reading about Tori Spelling on Perez Hilton. I'm honestly astonished anytime anyone other than me acknowledges that Bev Hills, 90210 even existed. I think the People's Choice Awards almost gave me an aneurysm. If RPattz had been there I would have had a panic attack.
And I must admit that I'm continually shocked by the amount of Twilight-90210 connections. It's like the entertainment world knows that they are my two favorite things so it continues to associate them for my enjoyment. First, you have the mother of all connections--Peter Facinelli, aka Mr. Kelly Taylor
(I call him the Fach for short) is Dr. Cullen. Then you have the unfortunate mall mobbings of the stars. Kellan Lutz is Emmett in Twilight and plays George the douchebag on 90210. He is now supposedly dating AnnaLynne McCord. That hot teacher Ryan that Brenda and Kelly both slept with (hookers!) is only 4 months older than me
(gah--way to make me feel old 90210) and supposedly dated Ashley Greene,
aka Alice. I could go on an on.

The big news: It's Official! Taylor Lautner To Return as Jacob in New Moon
Here's what Chris Weitz and Stephenie had to say about it:
I'm very happy to announce that Taylor Lautner will be playing Jacob Black in New Moon and that he's doing so with the enthusiastic support of Summit Entertainment, the producers, and Stephenie Meyer.
The characters in Stephenie's books go through extraordinary changes of circumstance and also appearance; so it is not surprising that there has been speculation about whether the same actor would portray a character who changes in so many surprising ways throughout the series. But it was my first instinct that Taylor was, is, and should be Jacob, and that the books would be best served by the actor who is emotionally right for the part. I think that fans of Twilight the book and the movie will be surprised by the Jacob Black that Taylor will bring to the screen in New Moon; and I'm looking forward to working with him and the rest of the cast in realizing the film.
very best
Chris Weitz
I'd just like to add that I was very much a part of this decision. My first priority was always what was best for New Moon—what was going to give us the best possible movie. I'm truly thrilled that Taylor was the one who proved to the director, to Summit, and to me that he is the best possible Jacob we could have. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing what he's going to bring to Jacob's character this year.
- Steph
Much as I enjoy bitching and moaning about Taylor Lautner,

In closing, I would like to ask you to pray for my baby kitten Scout. She had to have a biopsy today. They think she might have an Auto-Immune Disorder. She has always suffered from what we thought were allergies but it has gotten worse in recent months. We should find out what is wrong with her for sure this weekend. But please thinking good thoughts for Scout!
Hope I didn't bum you out to bad with my tales of cat diseases!

Elle Bunny
1 comment:
I'm praying for Scout, I hope everything goes well!
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