By the end of this, you may wish I had kept it that way. And if you are my bff or related to me than you may already know the majority of these. But you never know, you might find some of these things surprising.
1) Out of all the US Presidents, I find Abraham Lincoln the most attractive.
I'm not sure why. I know he's not conventionally good looking, like JFK, but I still like him. I think it has something to do with how tall he is. And the beard. I'm a fan of beards. And the rumors of Liam Neeson playing him in an upcoming biopic are made of win.

2) I've never eaten a Twinkie.
Or Spam. Just looking at either one makes me want to vom.

3) I know all of the State postal abbreviations and capitals.
I can also tell you what state you're in if you give me the zip code. In addition, I'm able to name most of the area codes in Florida and Texas. Ah, the joys of working in a national call center.

4) When I was 10 years old I talked with Leonardo Dicaprio on the phone.
My cousin was in a movie with him and they became friends. My cousin called me and my sister and we sat at our kitchen bar and chatted with Leo. This was before Romeo and Juliet or Titanic. While I would love to claim we had an in-depth discussion about the role of violence in movies or how he enjoyed working with Bobby DeNiro, that was not the case. He asked me what my favorite soft drink was and if I rode horses to school. Apparently I was a real conversationalist at 10, so I asked him what his favorite soft drink was (for inquiring minds, it's Sprite) and giggled for about five minutes after he asked about the horses. I think this is all that can be expected of a conversation between a girl of 10 and a movie star of 20. For the record: my cousin is no longer acting in movies. He currently works at Home Depot.

5) I swallow gum.
I know it's supposedly bad for you, but I haven't died yet. I think the whole staying in your system for 10 years is a myth. My sister swallows her gum as well. And it's a hard habit to break. I'm not sure why we started doing it--my mom always got mad at us when we did it. We were odd children. To bring things full circle, I also have a distinct memory of swallowing a penny as a young child (and throwing it up afterwards). And my presidential boyfriend, Honest Abe is on the penny.

Have a great day!
Elle Bunny
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