The one screaming "Prostitution Whore!"--that's Teresa Guidice. She is hilarious. She just got her "bubbies" done and she and her husband Joe are first-generation Italian-Americans. She has three daughters named Gia, Gabriella, and Milania.
She will have her fourth child in September (she doesn't know what she's having yet). Guess her "delicious and juicy" husband Joe liked the bubbies.
She has come out with her own line of clothing and accessories called TG Fabulicious (check it out at http://www.teresagiudice.com/). The stuff is kind of tacky and Jersey but at least it is reasonably priced, unlike Lynne with her stupid $300 cuffs.

Teresa was the source of comic relief on the show and never had an attitude--until she flipped the table over. As many times as I have jokingly said "I will flip the table over," I have never actually seen someone do that in "real" life. I think she must have been pushed to her breaking point and just went off on Danielle. And who could blame her? Bitch is crazy.
Oh, and Danielle? How come when you were talking to your daughters you mentioned three things from the book were true-you used to be a stripper, you changed your name and you got arrested; yet when you were talking at the "last supper" you only admitted to the last two? I'm with Teresa-there has to be something else.
This show is by far the best of the Real Housewives franchise. For one thing, they had an all-out screaming match between all of the ladies in the last episode of the season. While many of the other housewives have ongoing fights, they rarely actually talk to each other about it, and even if they do they've never had anything like this.
Also, these ladies are the closest thing to Real Housewives. They actually have kids, and the majority of them stay at home and cook and take care of said kids. Mind you, their houses are mansions and their kids are auditioning for movies with the Rock, but they are actually housewives. I thought it was kind of sweet on the next-to-last episode when Teresa said that she cooks Monday-Thursday and they go out to eat every Friday night at their favorite restaurant.
Who knows if that's true, but I would be more likely to believe it coming from her than Laurie from the OC.

Here is a clip from the upcoming RHONJ reunion show.
I can't wait! Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Elle Bunny
1 comment:
Did you watch the director's cut last night? So good! I love when Teresa gets ater Juicy Joe for making peace with Danielle! The reunion is going to be awesome - it looks like they are having it in Candy Land!
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